Example sentences of "and other " in BNC.

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1 Without the help of ACET and other direct service organisations and charities , I would not have been able to continue and maintain my independence .
2 Slowly growing internal lesions can produce great difficulties in the lung and the gut , causing shortness of breath and other problems .
3 Without the help of ACET and other similar organisations I would not have been able to continue and maintain my independence .
4 ACET 's local representative , Ana Ureche , reported that she was ‘ greatly encouraged ’ that course participants had been lecturing to schools and other groups and had passed much of the literature obtained form the course to other colleagues for their use .
5 It has always been ACET 's policy to work with and complement statutory and other voluntary organizations .
6 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
7 But without the help of ACET and other voluntary organisations I would not have been able to maintain my independence . ’
8 The appeal followed numerous reports that Iraqi Government forces were committing these and other human rights violations following the recapture of cities and town in the northern Kurdish and southern Shi'a areas of the country .
9 Around the world today , more than 100 countries still retain the death penalty , and two out of every three human beings live under governments that use torture and other cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment against them .
10 Tell the President that you have not forgotten about Wang Xizhe and other Pro-Democracy Movement activists who are still jail for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression .
11 Post-modernist interpretations evolved in her articles between 1973 and 1983 , and were published in The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths in 1987 .
12 For example , in twelfth-century China , a catalogue of the Imperial collection had ten headings : Taoist and Buddhist subjects , human affairs , palaces and other buildings , foreign tribes , dragons and fishes , landscapes , animals , flowers and birds , ink bamboos , and finally vegetables and fruit .
13 The museum is also the place where the closest consideration can be given to the troublesome problems of fakes and other forms of inauthenticity .
14 Another consequence of the labelling of Impressionism and other groups by critics was that some artists naturally decided that they themselves could do the same job better than the critics .
15 Articles of synthesis between art and other subjects may include important art criticism .
16 The airmail letters which he exchanges with his liberal friends in England tell a worse story of them than they do of him , and hark back in fine style to that golden time when such friends used to kneel in London mosques with Michael X and other celebrities , squinting up at the Heavyweight Champion of the World 's effulgent arse .
17 It is the state which properly exercises the use of force in order to maintain social control , whereas it is in civil society — the family , school , work-place , church , and other non-state institutions — that hegemony operates .
18 Jesuits and other Holy Ghost priests were also involved .
19 Based on statistical data for Roman catholics educated in both Roman catholic and other schools , Greeley and Rossi noted as one of their findings that there was little difference in adult religious practice between the two groups .
20 The finings attract yeast and other particles and begin to drag them to the bottom of the tank .
21 Pasteurisation — avoided by skilled brewers in both Britain and other leading brewing nations — leaves an unpleasant burnt sugar taste to beer that is most apparent in low gravity drinks .
22 The excise officer measures the amount of fermentable material — malt and other sugars — in the wort .
23 The current obsession with pseudo-Victorian and other bogus ‘ historical ’ styles imposed willy-nilly and quite regardless of the true age of the pub , seems to suggest two things ; firstly that pub designers and fitters have completely lost their way , both in recognising and respecting what is genuinely old and in looking for a wholeheartedly modern pub style ; secondly that there is some king of awareness , correct but misguided , that people like their pubs to look old and feel familiar .
24 The Church Inn , Newton Road , Lawton , near Manchester : above , cement render and plastic windows ; below , partitions and other historic features removed from the interior in its conversion to a single-room bar ( Claire Hunt ) .
25 Often the creation of the open plan interior requires the removal of walls , chimney breasts , stairs and other internal features of interest , which is highly destructive of the building 's historic character .
26 An additional problem faced by many Georgian pubs — particularly historic coaching inns — is the treatment of re-use of stables and other related outbuildings .
27 They were very well built , and included stained glass , decorative painting and other examples of the continuing Arts and Crafts tradition of Birmingham .
28 Hotel chains and other groups can support systems specialists , but even independents could benefit from making individuals responsible for the operation of information technology systems .
29 The system manager would also be the contact to whom the supplier would turn when arranging suitable dates for updating software , for example , and other maintenance work .
30 Soups , salads , potatoes and other hot vegetables , hot puddings , fruit and yoghurt are fixed-priced items : main courses and the ‘ grill bar special ’ are among those which can be adjusted .
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