Example sentences of "and [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In such a situation it is therefore all the more necessary to recognize the unique place the ethnographer holds and to capitalize on it .
2 Much depends on the nature of the training provided , especially the ethos that guides it ; that is , whether it is organization- and profession-centred on the one hand or client- and community-oriented on the other and the degree of commitment on the part of professionals to recognize and affirm the value of indigenous factors and to capitalize upon them .
3 Already in my own LEA there are plans for visual arts teachers to explore and establish assessment guidelines , and to capitalize on the considerable amount of curriculum development work that has occurred over recent years .
4 This doorway was made high in order to permit laden waggons or carts to enter the barn and to unload from the threshing floor into the bays .
5 A significant focus for the controversy was the theatre , which , like the transvestite , was seen both to epitomize and to promote contemporary forces of disruption in and through its involvement with cross-dressing .
6 I would hope that you would see beyond that , and issues like it , the primary claims of Christ in his Church , to love him and to promote him as Lord of the Church .
7 The EBRD 's brief is to ‘ foster the transition towards open market oriented economies and to promote private and entrepreneurial initiative in the countries of central and eastern Europe committed to multiparty democracy and pluralism , ’ no less .
8 They help to overcome the inherent problems of sectoralisation and to promote a more integrated development strategy .
9 We will support new research into environmentally-friendly technologies and launch a Great Environment Exhibition to publicise and to promote sales of the cleanest British technologies .
10 As discussed earlier , this requires schools to prepare pupils for the ‘ experiences and opportunities of adult life ’ and to promote their spiritual , moral , cultural , mental and physical development .
11 The Tommy Campaign aims to raise £3million this year , it is based at St. Thomas 's Hospital , London , and its objectives are to help babies to be born healthy and to promote the value of parenthood .
12 Frelimo already had some experience of developing schools in the liberated zones before independence , when education was intended to contribute to the liberation struggle , to change people 's consciousness and attitudes and to promote production and combat .
13 Such a strategy would involve the provision of more facilities at , and better access to , under-used sites and the removal of some facilities from heavily used areas to reduce recreational pressure and to promote recovery .
14 The main objectives of the ASEA were to prevent elementary school-leavers from ‘ drifting into unskilled occupations , and later on into unemployment ’ ; and to promote industrial training through ‘ apprenticeships and other methods ’ , usually trade schools and technical education classes .
15 This collaboration was not only about generating some ideas which could become possible policies , it was also designed to allow a sharing of a common challenge and to promote understanding of the fact that everyone in an LMS environment has a vital role to play .
16 The use of antibiotics in factory farming , both to combat infection and to promote growth , has also come under criticism in the salmonella scandal .
17 It may be interpreted as a spiritual discipline necessary to preserve our humanity and to promote the service of others .
18 Meditative techniques were designed to eliminate this struggle , to overcome the duality and to promote a more balanced mental condition .
19 Since it was established in 1938 , the board has endeavoured to coordinate all the organisations for women in the Church , and to promote action in them .
20 These advances have grown out of the ‘ natural ’ desires to produce live , healthy babies , and to promote fertility in women who have difficulties in getting pregnant .
21 To foster in pupils a love of literature , to encourage their awareness of its unique relationship to human experience and to promote in them a sense of excitement in the power and potential of language can be one of the greatest joys of the English teacher .
22 It represented a conscious effort to offset colonial influences and to promote a national culture which would reflect the new nation .
23 The NCCSL 's Department of Communication was set up in 1975 , mainly to produce radio programmes in English Sinhala and Tamil and to promote audio visual aids to make Sunday School teaching more effective .
24 The main trends could be seen in efforts to reduce the role of the state in economic life ; to introduce elements of ‘ free market forces ’ into previously regulated rural and urban enterprises ; to reduce wastage , inefficiency and ‘ red tape ’ and to promote the ‘ entrepreneurial ’ spirit in order to raise production levels and ultimately living standards across China .
25 He also highlighted the need for Christian booksellers to become involved in secular franchises and to promote Australian writers .
26 And perhaps most fundamental of all , we have to try to live and teach according to our ideals , and to promote them , whilst at the same time trying to make a good career within a system that seems at many points to be based on quite antagonistic values .
27 The cash will be used for research and development purposes , and to promote growth both in the UK and overseas .
28 The latter then binds to an InsP 3 receptor ( IP 3 R ) to mobilize stored calcium and to promote an influx of external calcium , perhaps working in conjunction with InsP 4 ( refs 9 , 10 ) .
29 There was a political will in Britain and in the United States to reduce spending on institutional care and to promote cheaper community-based services , not only in child care but also in other sectors of public care such as mental health and mental handicap .
30 According to this principle , as Bentham understands it , the ideal method for determining whether an individual 's action , or a legislative enactment , is right or wrong would be through evaluation of its total tendency to promote happiness , on the one hand , and to promote unhappiness on the other ; if the former predominates the action is right , if the latter it is wrong .
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