Example sentences of "not without " in BNC.

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1 Fraser 's book is not without its evident presuppositions , and not every reader will feel that this autobiographer , having perused and digested his tape-recordings , talked to his analyst and completed his inner and outer voyages , knew something radically different about his past from what he had known before : that something had been found , or proved .
2 As will be seen in Chapter 5 , this interpretation is not without foundation .
3 The concern of Roman catholic clergy about the system was not without grounds .
4 The prohibitionist thinking which affected America in the 1920s was not without supporters in Britain , and the practical result in architecture was that pubs emphasised their domestic image , and encouraged the serving of more food , as against the all-male tradition of ‘ vertical drinking ’ at a bar .
5 But it was not without its problems .
6 men who have accepted a system of values by which to live , can not without courting in-efficiency and chaos keep for long a fenced-off portion of their lives where they think and behave according to a contrary set of values .
7 The BeSHT became so influential that the leaders of the people , the power-manipulators and self-appointed guardians of the Law , had no alternative but to do what their like has always done to those who broke loose , butterfly-like : They excommunicated him ; marginalised his usefulness ; neutered his religious potency : ‘ A prophet is not without honour … ’
8 Not without upsetting them . ’
9 The landlady repeated that she was being very lenient with him but generosity on her part was not without limits , my girl .
10 Steam really did come to an end on BR when the state-owned narrow-gauge Vale of Rheidol was sold , not without tears , to the Brecon Mountain Railway .
11 The sky clears in the childbirth sequence because of Shatov 's sublime murmurings about the arrival of a new human being , but also because the midwife has her sleeves rolled up , because she is attacking a difficult and strenuous professional job , organizing essentials , masterminding the whole exercise , scolding Marie Shatov who allowed Shatov to get between her and the family in which she was a governess ‘ with the egotistical object of marrying you , laughing at the distraught husband on his knees unable either to bear the sound or block his ears before the birth ; and when all is tidied up , ‘ after some pleasant–es about ‘ the happy couple' ’ which were not without a touch of contempt and superciliousness , she went away as well satisfied as before . ’
12 At the fête Stepan Verkhovensky , the man of the 1840s , makes a speech arguing that Shakespeare matters more than boots , and Raphael more than petroleum ; whipping himself up in his peroration to declare that mankind can get on without bread but not without beauty .
13 And for Pound it was a game , a super-chess game , and not without its Machiavellian elements .
14 Commonsense , not without distinguished endorsement from past centuries , thinks as Hart Crane did that it is not true at all ; that on the contrary there are occasions too trivial , too lacking in dignity or resonance , to deserve the ceremoniousness that , as Tomlinson perceived , verse-writing always brings with it .
15 If Mrs Thatcher is touched by paranoia , it is not without reason .
16 Jane was not without either self-respect or sincerity .
17 And if Davie 's principles make him what some might call ‘ elitist ’ or ‘ undemocratic ’ , as in his stinging verdicts on ‘ catchpenny enterprises … like the Arvon Poetry Competitions ’ , it is not without his having pondered the arguments about the place and function of elites and of high art in a democratic nation far more deeply than the bulk of his fellow countrymen .
18 And yet their horizon is not without its clouds .
19 Carson is not without a chance on Murango later in the afternoon , but preference is for Petite Rosanna ( next best 3.40 ) , for whom the booking of Steve Cauthen looks significant .
20 The Chancellor is not without fault .
21 Given his deep-rooted Salvation Army connections , it came as no surprise when the 18-year-old Eric Ball found himself employed ( not without some misgivings on his part ) in their Music Editorial Department .
22 Not without an invitation to play them , ’ I replied .
23 The campaign was not without its strains , not least because of tactical disagreements between Lord Young and the Party Chairman , Norman Tebbit .
24 Once the students , not without glee , watched him celebrating the sacrament with the ends of his back braces protruding out of the top of his vestment .
25 He signed himself , not without a touch of misery perhaps , ‘ ever sincerely and dutifully ’ .
26 This conference was not without hiccoughs .
27 I made it my practice , not without some official misgivings , to work through the chairmen of the regional boards as a collective body , behaving , though they were my appointees , as no more than their primus inter pares .
28 Grenada was the last tiny but bitter dreg in the constitutional cup which the United Kingdom has drained in the past thirty-five years ; and bravely , though not without a grimace of disgust , did we swallow it .
29 This proposition , admittedly , is not without its difficulties when the sovereign is the same person in two or more realms where her ministers may tender divergent or opposing advice on the same subject ; but so far the possibilities involved in these different capacities of the sovereign have not caused embarrassment in practice .
30 It works through meanings , certainly , or not without meanings in the ordinary sense , and fuses the old and obliterated and the trite , the current , and the new and surprising , the most ancient and the most civilised mentality .
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