Example sentences of "not without " in BNC.

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31 This car park was not without charm , however .
32 Alan Bray and Jeffrey Weeks have given historical support to this view , though not without qualification ; I remarked in Part 1 some further reservations .
33 They would say , not without truth , ‘ Britain claims to be head of the Empire , but can not make up her own mind . ’
34 Yet his work is not without redeeming features .
35 Not having seen Debord 's films ( he refused screenings at the ICA in London ) , Levin 's arguments are in one sense untestable ; nevertheless the article is not without difficulties .
36 He endorsed — not without payment for some , though not all — fountain-pens , cricket-bats and equipment , cocoa , total abstinence , chocolate , and soft drinks .
37 The continuity thesis is not without some merit if carefully defined .
38 Now , with the Hollywood movie Not Without My Daughter , in which he stars opposite Sally Field , due out later this year , it looks as if he 's finally set for international fame .
39 They will certainly leave the Centre much fitter than When they arrived , but not without a few bumps and bruises sustained along the way .
40 The Duty Officer made it a fifth time , glanced , not without anxiety at the brief-case , momentarily at Frau Nordern , then with relief , over her shoulder , and jerked his lumps and bumps .
41 But as Erika and Paul obediently , docilely , left the room — not without a backward glance from Paul — Omi shook her head .
42 Frau Nordern agreed , although not without adding a rider of her own : ‘ I always did think that Bodo was being alarmist . ’
43 But me thought of sharing his Minto-life with Warnie was not without its complications for Jack himself .
44 And the sheer incidentals , the imagined languages of the Martian creatures , the poetic hrossi , the intellectual sorns and the practical and commercially minded pfifftriggs have a playful quality which , while being purely enjoyable , is not without satiric edge .
45 His case was not without foundation .
46 As the debate moves into the final stretch , Britain is not without its bargaining cards either .
47 All were unheated , congested , and meagrely fed , and the miracle was that a disease-free , self-governing , microcosmic version of male England emerged and survived — not without tensions and tragedies and an element of anti-Semitism — till the end of the war .
48 There was a perfect grace which architects had been working towards through the seventeenth century and which seemed to peak in its purest form at about this time , not without a little Royal influence from Holland !
49 So David did go to work there , though not without protest .
50 It was not without its setbacks , one of which was the Korean War rearmament programme , that resulted in premature production of two subsonic fighters as short-term stopgaps : the highly successful Hunter and the unsuccessful Swift , both of which entered RAF service in 1954 .
51 US Marines from the American Sixth Fleet landed at Beirut on 16th July ; and next day the British 16th Parachute Brigade was flown into Amman , but not without difficulties that highlighted two weaknesses in the air mobility assumptions of the Sandys doctrine .
52 A PROPHET is not without honour , save in his own house .
53 This is not without its glimmer of truth .
54 But Casaubon is not without insight in his idea that the committed experimental philosopher may come to think that all areas of human concern and experience are legitimate grist to his mill .
55 Even before birth a human being is not without legal recognition , for the antenatal life is protected by the Infant Life Preservation Act 1929 .
56 His career was not without its less attractive moments , and it is sad that many fans will remember the famous picture in the 1981 Wisden of him kicking down the stumps after having an appeal refused in New Zealand almost as readily as they will recall his wonderful bowling ; yet even in dissent he was physically graceful , and the picture is positively balletic .
57 Press speculation ran Patrick Jenkin as Howe 's likeliest heir and not without reason .
58 He was not without humour , but completely impervious to Jane 's irony .
59 Those daily walks with her helped to calm my mind a little , but I could not bear the thought of writing poems again , not without Dana .
60 When in 1777 there were minor tremors in Manchester , he observed — not without a certain satisfaction — ‘ There is no divine visitation which is likely to have so general an influence upon sinners as an earthquake . ’
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