Example sentences of "not of " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 This could be said with some emphasis of Chatterton , but not of Eliot himself , who moreover survived , who grew to be famous , who did not kill himself , though he was to wonder how one might set about dying .
2 Shortly after the point at which the recital ends , sand was to cover some more helicopters — those sent by President Carter to liberate the American hostages seized in Teheran , where Kapuscinski catches a glimpse not of them but of their place of confinement .
3 Its constitutionalization is a direct result , not of this already widespread opinion , but of Roman catholic pressure of the monopoly type .
4 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
5 I sometimes feel sorry , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , that I am not of their kind .
6 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
7 Born to the pack , but not of it .
8 But Leonard is not of that cloth ; his nature is obsessive ; what he does , he must do with abandon ; he has to work in total conviction , and dedication .
9 Hence the prominence of such words as ‘ comfort ’ in his writings ; not of their plush armchairs or velvet drapes , but the comfort of a quiet mind and a balanced equilibrium in life .
10 But somewhat surprisingly ( given that the representational theory of the mind is supposed to be a theory of thinking , not of how we handle inputs ) he concludes that a psychology of the central systems is beyond our reach : the more global a mental process is the less we are likely to understand about it .
11 Neurons do not individually have the property of consciousness , consciousness emerges when a large number of neurons are interacting in the right kind of way ; just as speed is a property not of any single component of a car , but an emergent property of the whole system when it is operating in an appropriate way .
12 ‘ What a strange demand ! ’ says Lebyadkin with an effrontery beyond the man we have been given , though not of course beyond old Karamazov .
13 And what about Stavrogin as he stands smiling , not of course a happy smile , no kind of unambiguous smile , about to enter the monastery , fingering the pages in his pocket ?
14 Such a material does not of course exist … or does it ?
15 Make a note of the values at maximum and minimum and if they are not of equal magnitude adjust the zero-offset trimpot so as to make them equal .
16 This does not of course , apply to Yagi antennas , which are more or less unidirectional .
17 ‘ Theory ’ , to be intellectually respectable , has to be presented as such , and to be a product of the academy , not of the amorphous institution of literature .
18 For a time teachers of literature could assume that they were in but not of the academy , and keep a healthy distance from institutional pressures .
19 In English Studies this is the world of Morris Zapp , not of Phillip Swallow .
20 Ezra Pound 's long love affair with England , and his angry and wounded turning against her in 1917 or 1918 , can not of course bulk so large in an American 's sense of him as in an Englishman 's .
21 Colonel Blimp today is likely to be a Roundhead colonel , in his professed sentiments a Leveller , though not of course in his practices .
22 It was not easy to think of a precedent , and one could be forgiven for concluding that the notorious obscurity of the poem came about not by the author 's design but accidentally , because the work was the product not of one mind but of two .
23 Annoyed as we may be at having the cardinal terms left thus undefined ( for Pound proceeds no further towards defining them ) , we are compelled to see that this criticism is not of the chalk-or-cheese , sheep-and-goats variety ; the discrimination proposed is more subtle — between a quality in poetry that is ‘ nearly always ’ a virtue ( ’ I can think of no case where it is not' ) , and an opposite quality that is ‘ not always ’ a fault .
24 ‘ My anticipation is that we will certainly see a rise on Monday — not of the same proportion , but there 's clearly going to be a rise .
25 Last year 's entry was not of sufficient quality .
26 ‘ It is not an empty claim to say that this conference is one of progress , indeed one of celebration , not of relaxation or complacency . ’
27 Inevitably , the impression is not of unified excellence , but of a sort of march-past of British theatrical talent .
28 The plastic the French company uses for its interior trimmings is not of high quality and looks brittle and cheap , and in most places it sounds not to be screwed as tightly down as the designers originally intended .
29 Aesthetes among the novices will by now be thoroughly irritable and complaining that gardens should have as much to do with the soul as with the necessity or not of a washing line or a barbecue pit .
30 Of his study visits to pre-war Vienna , his strongest memories were not of virtuosos but of composers conducting , notably Richard Strauss directing his operas and Anton Webern the symphonies of Mahler .
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