Example sentences of "not with " in BNC.

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1 Our concern , however , is not with the difficulties of aesthetics , but only with what a critic writes of aesthetic experience , and how useful such an account may be .
2 The ball is not with the union or the performer but with those who fund the Arts .
3 I had already been part of the theatre working as an ASM at the Cambridge Arts Theatre , not with the University but with the
4 Could at least think about it , visualize it again , if not with pleasure , at least not with that sick-making horror of the past few weeks .
5 Could at least think about it , visualize it again , if not with pleasure , at least not with that sick-making horror of the past few weeks .
6 Certainly not with anything mechanical .
7 She looked across at the film star , not with a great deal of pity .
8 Not with a big enough wage , that was the problem .
9 I want to live with you , Donald , not with your old folk .
10 Sometimes they were a little lifeless , not with lethargy or simple weariness ( they could be that , but then his whole body-language ‘ drooped ’ accordingly ) , but with a specific withdrawn quality which , when taken with a certain passivity of the face , can be hard and unyielding : betokening a concern — even a resentment — in being examined in that particular way .
11 Would it not make a difference if one identified experience , not with some disposition to overt behaviour , but with the ‘ behaviour ’ of the brain as it ‘ discriminates ’ the various sorts of stimuli within the nervous system ?
12 In metaphysics , the understanding of everything begins with mind , not with natural science , and modern philosophy 's flight from mind is a flight from reality .
13 Edges of Perspex and similar acrylic sheet plane well , but not with the conventional plane .
14 One of the marvels of Crime and Punishment is its clear distinguishing , untainted by clinical knowingness , of Svidrigailov 's and Raskolnikov 's ways of being ( as the saying is ) not with us .
15 Raskolnikov is not with us either , but in the novel 's final text he could not have done or said any of the things I have just mentioned .
16 In defensive mood , and not with complete truth , Dostoevsky wrote to Katkov : ‘ I do not know and never have known either Nechaev or Ivanov , or the circumstances of the murder , except from the newspapers .
17 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
18 While it 's true that nobody does any work in The Possessed except delivering babies , and true also that Stepan Verkhovensky flowers into a veritable presiding genius of sloth in the guise of footling bustle , nevertheless the reader 's heart is not with Mrs Stavrogin , Stepan 's patroness , when she hisses at him on his deathbed ‘ you futile , futile , ignoble , chickenhearted , always , always futile man ’ .
19 At the moment the academy has a nearmonopoly of the subject , and I would like to see it broken , in a recognition of the traditional cultural truth that good criticism can be written by poets and novelists , and indeed by people whose professional concern is not with literature at all .
20 As for the case made against the versions in the Classic Anthology — that by using rhyme they align themselves with the closed poetry of print and not with the open poetry of the speaking breath — the obvious retort is that , although in these poems Pound often rhymes , he writes them in free verse , and in a free verse where the syllables are weighed , and the varying pace controlled , as scrupulously as in anything else he has written .
21 It is entirely possible to think that if ‘ literary ’ and ‘ aesthetic ’ are words that go naturally with ‘ American ’ but not with ‘ English ’ , so much the worse for the English .
22 It is in this profoundly grateful and reverent sene , certainly not with any heartless flippancy , that forty years later in the prison stockade Pound greets the sunset as a designer — ‘ grand couturier ’ .
23 And so it was not with any special disappointment that Tate envisaged how Eliot 's message , his distinctively American apprehension of Europe , might thereafter be conveyed less in poems than in his conduct of The Criterion , the magazine he had begun to edit in 1923 :
24 He is concerned with ‘ the Miltonic ’ , with ‘ Miltonism ’ , not with Keats but with ‘ bad Keats ’ , not with Browning but with ‘ Browningese ’ .
25 He is concerned with ‘ the Miltonic ’ , with ‘ Miltonism ’ , not with Keats but with ‘ bad Keats ’ , not with Browning but with ‘ Browningese ’ .
26 ‘ Will delight fans of Boswell and Rumpole alike , ’ claims one critic , but it 's McKern 's TV incarnation which is the draw , and such audience involvement as exists is not with Edgeworth 's text but with the actor 's genial clowning .
27 It urged the East German leadership to respond to demands for freedom ‘ not with the police but with understanding and open-mindedness ’ .
28 Greenaway rejects the conventional grammar of film , its reaction shots and implied points of view , but he replaces it not with his own idiom but with his slide library , though a film modelled on an art-historical lecture has no greater intrinsic claim to quality than one modelled on a promotional video , a newsreel or a travel brochure .
29 Small inputs are rewarded with a change in behaviour , not with mechanical slop .
30 Yesterday 's newspapers were consumed not with Mr Bush 's campaign stop for Mr Giuliani , but with the position of David Dinkins , the Democratic candidate , on security for the state of Israel , and Woody Allen 's defence of the comedian Jackie Mason .
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