Example sentences of "he come " in BNC.

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1 'E came out loaded up wiv old iron .
2 'E came in when I was turning down 'is bed , ’ she volunteered , curtsying to Rose in fright , somewhat muddled between his ranking and that of the Prince of Wales .
3 ‘ Where 's 'e come from an' what 's 'is experience ? ’ he demanded , reproof in his tone .
4 'E come 'ome 'ere drunk as a kite .
5 'E collapsed as 'e come out the Kings Arms an' they rushed 'im away ter the 'ospital. 'E 's in a bad way so Maisie Dingle told me .
6 I felt sorry fer 'er Ernie. 'E come 'ome that night wiv a few drinks inside 'im an' 'im an' Maudie got at it .
7 ‘ Your father did not want to pay for the doctor , while the priest 'e comes free !
8 And then 'e comes in again .
9 As for the purchaser , tell him to come to my house and choose another picture — something that both he and I like .
10 But when Uccello died in his eighties , ‘ He left a daughter who could design , and a wife who used to say that Paolo would remain the night long in his study to work out the lines of his perspective , and that when she called him to come to rest , he replied , ‘ Oh what a sweet thing this perspective is ! ’
11 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
12 The Sunday before she had asked him to come to tea .
13 And he invited him to come to the Mayday parade to see for himself .
14 The yellow nylon shirt with the frothy frill amounts to an offence against taste bordering on the criminal , yet it somehow works to offset his complexion ( pale blue ) and the ensemble enables him to come on like a chat-show host from Hell — vast smiles and arms flung out in gestures of mock formality .
15 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
16 We had a few drinks and all thought he seemed a bit of a laugh so we asked him to come back to the shop with us and have a bit of a sing .
17 ‘ I 'd like to know it , all the same , ’ he said , as if the knowledge could somehow enable him to come to grips with it and defeat it .
18 Kendall said last night : ‘ I have had long talks with Peter and I am optimistic that I can get him to come to City .
19 He went down extremely well last Sunday , for example , when many people gathered outside the party 's central committee building in an unauthorised meeting and called on him to come out and talk to them .
20 By the time I 'd asked him to come and play , he was already becoming a name in the pop music field .
21 I had just finished building a 16-track studio in my house and asked him to come and have a go on that equipment that even the very big studios did n't have .
22 IF she could persuade him to come , which she doubted .
23 It was not a particularly difficult decision for him to come to , since he was going to emigrate to Australia anyway .
24 You tell him to come and see me again when he 's in London . ’
25 She was asking him to come downstairs .
26 I was terrified , I sat there until my boyfriend came back , I did n't even have enough money for my bus fare or to make a phone call to my brother and ask him to come and pick me up .
27 We got him to come and fix it before the first session .
28 I invited him to come and conduct the orchestra in Aachen .
29 He has come to discuss things with me on many occasions and I am always asking him to come and do just one concert with the orchestra .
30 Whenever Annunciata came to fetch the child she was firm : he must go at once or otherwise his mother would be displeased and might not allow him to come at all .
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