Example sentences of "he did " in BNC.

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1 'E did n't like me .
2 'E did ! ’ he replied angrily .
3 Well , not at the time 'e did n't , nor 'is best man , not for nearly an hour .
4 Our Nancy might be only seventeen , but she 's already a full-growed woman to look at , and I know she 'd be pleased to be 'is wife , 'e 'd only 'ave to ask 'er , except 'e did say once that 'e 's waitin' a while before 'e gets married .
5 'E did n't say , but 'e wo n't want you nosin' around 'is room-'ere , come back 'ere . ’
6 ‘ What a bleedin' cheek , we ai n't got no valuables , ’ said Mr Beavis , ‘ 'e did n't treat yer rough , did 'e ? ’
7 Played for Yorkshire , 'e did .
8 ‘ I was glad 'e did n't get that site where our Carrie 's got 'er cafe , ’ she remarked .
9 ‘ What 's more , Joe Wallace was so pissed that night 'e did n't 'ave an inklin' who 'e was talkin' to or what pub 'e was in for that matter , so there 's no come-back from 'im at least .
10 ‘ It was a terrible fing losin' that young lass the way 'e did . ’
11 ‘ Yer can bet yer life 'e did , ’ Freddie said positively .
12 ‘ If yer miss payin' 'e 'll do the same as 'e did wiv us .
13 ‘ That 's right , 'e did .
14 'E looked like an Italian but 'e did n't speak like they do .
15 What 'e did ter my dad after 'im workin' fer the man all those years was enough , apart from anyfing else . ’
16 He 's as awd as me , but by gaw 'e did go .
17 What did 'e buy it for if 'e did n't want it ?
18 ‘ Used to come tearing down 'ere 'e did .
19 An ’ 'e did , did n't 'e , Joe ? ’
20 'E did , Bill , ’ agreed Joseph , with a wink only visible to his partner .
21 Smiled like 'e did before , like 'e was pleased as punch about something .
22 Sources close to the talks say he ‘ decided that the people backing him did not have the interests of the club at heart ’ .
23 That it was him did all them things ? — I knew you were daft , Gazzer .
24 And the way Sir William treated him did n't give the lie to the notion .
25 Nicholson 's interest in writing was re-awakened by his scriptwriting assistance on The Terror , and his next project was a screenplay in which he was encouraged by Roger Corman , who thought it was a good idea because though he personally felt Nicholson showed great potential as an actor , others around him did not always agree .
26 Part of him did n't want to get away with it .
27 But whoever killed him did n't need to be especially fit with a weapon like that in their hand . ’
28 The malaise that had troubled him did not go away until , one day , when he was using the chamber-pot upstairs , he noticed an angry sore on his penis .
29 The fact that his wife had not accompanied him did not surprise Liza in the least .
30 Inevitably a feeling of despair enveloped him and he began to feel quite helpless ; his heart was in his studies and he knew that if he could manage financially he could achieve his academic rewards , but the insufficient amounts of money his father allowed him did n't permit any freedom to relax after his studies had ended .
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