Example sentences of "it to do " in BNC.

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1 Was it to do with zoetropes or physical fitness ?
2 He reckons there are no shortages of possible uses — farmers can use it to do their accounts , women with child-care responsibilities can work in their own time on the word processors , publicity material for local craftsmen can be produced and so on .
3 I 'd wear it to do Wogan . ’
4 THE United Nations suffers about equally from people who want it to do everything and from those who think it can do nothing .
5 It can do all there is for it to do , which is to discover regularities among our God-given ideas , and to systematize these in the most useful way .
6 If we understand a horse 's emotions we are more likely to succeed in getting it to do what we want , and prevent it doing what we do n't want .
7 Although we are dot going to be hobbling a horse by three legs and tethering it all day out in the sun , we will need a tolerant horse if we wish it to do boring or repetitious work .
8 Additionally , a horse that enjoys eating a wider range of foodstuffs — alfalfa , oats , horse mixes , apples , carrots , and so on — provides us with a larger range of inducements to motivate it to do what we want as well as rewards for when it does do what we ask .
9 A good horse trainer teaches a horse good habits so that it does what he wants it to do automatically , without it learning any undesirable behaviour or bad habits in the process ; but a poor trainer often finds that his horses learn something unwanted at the same time .
10 Just do n't expect it to do anything fancy like lift off the arm at the end of the record ; such mechanisms usually degrade the sound , and are best avoided .
11 AFRC 's change in direction , forced on it by the government 's withdrawal from ‘ near market ’ research , is allowing it to do more of this exciting fundamental research .
12 I 've not had one tool that 's done what I tell it to do every time .
13 If you make college too comfortable nobody will ever want to leave it to do proper work .
14 The letter does not make specific the details of the matter , as one would hardly expect it to do , but Miss Kenton states unambiguously that she has now , in fact , taken the step of moving out of Mr Benn 's house in Helston and is presently lodging with an acquaintance in the nearby village of Little Compton .
15 There is no need for it to do so .
16 Nor is it to do with rarified ascetical exercises , a ‘ feet off the ground ’ spirituality .
17 ( 25 ) If someone who has been instructed to construct a building is prepared to give the money to the town for it to do so itself , since the testator wished this to be done by that person himself , his plea will not be heard : so ruled the late emperor Marcus in a rescript .
18 Once authorisation to carry on a banking business has been granted by the home member state to a bank in accordance with the Community 's essential requirements , the Community legislative approach is to require the host country in which the bank may wish to provide cross-border services or establish a branch to recognise the validity of that authorisation , and to allow it to do so without making additional ‘ authorisation ’ requirements to the bank .
19 It argues merely that whilst Parliament could pass such laws , it would be unlikely or unpurposeful for it to do so .
20 Ask it to do more than it can and it may not do what it should .
21 But I never took it that seriously ; I just did it to do it .
22 I want it to do something , I 'm not necessarily sure what .
23 Is it to do with the syntactic structure or to the way in which this structure is lexically manifested ?
24 Has it to do with what you said as you 'd tell me one day ? ’
25 ‘ Was it to do with the diabetes ? ’
26 However , this does not mean that they are necessarily wrong in their idea that the Earth may have flipped over , simply that they have n't adequately worked out what could cause it to do so .
27 ‘ I ca n't tell it not to do what a nome tells it to do .
28 It was the first time I had ever trained a bird to do something I wanted it to do .
29 It is obvious that an Inspectorate of its present size in relation to its responsibility can not hope to achieve either all it would like or all the public would like it to do . ’
30 However , the adventurers ' problem is not how to get it to do their bidding , but simply how to evade its fury when it finally escapes centuries of unwilling bondage .
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