Example sentences of "the great " in BNC.

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1 As four chapters will demonstrate , there are different places to find art criticism ; a monograph will afford the greatest opportunity for full critical treatment , while a brief newspaper article is most likely to omit one or more of the three helpful elements , perhaps through the writer 's assuming prior knowledge on the reader 's part .
2 Which is the greatest of these great men who differ so much from one another ?
3 To suggest , as I do , that Georges Braque is the greatest living painter is to remind a contemporary audience , fed to satiety on brilliant innovation , frenzied novelty and every sort of spontaneous expression , that , after all , permanence , grandeur , deliberation , lucidity and calm are paramount virtues of the art of painting …
4 For the starvelings it had to suffice that His Munificent Highness personally attached the greatest importance to their fate , which was a very special kind of attachment , of an order higher than the highest .
5 It provided the subjects with a soothing and uplifting hope that whenever there appeared in their lives an oppressive mischance , some tormenting difficulty , His Most Unrivalled Highness would hearten them — by attaching the greatest importance to that mischance or difficulty .
6 Blond and beautiful in his leg-ribbons , his high-heeled shoes , ‘ fitted with the greatest possible exactitude ’ , his ‘ long white tunic ’ and ‘ dark-brown Circassian coat ’ .
7 Do n't worry about going out there to give the greatest performance of any particular speech and then come away depressed because you know you 've done it badly .
8 The greatest acting role in an audition is to appear just to be yourself .
9 I , on the other hand , he wrote , have always held that precisely because there is no discernable principle of order in the universe or in our lives we should live in the greatest possible self-created order .
10 The greatest possible self-created order , he wrote , compatible of course with the freedom to work , which may mean very little order indeed or may mean a great deal of order , depending on the individual and the circumstances .
11 Is this the moment of truth , he wrote , or the greatest temptation ?
12 Why we feel comfortable with such art , however grotesque , whereas the greatest art always leaves us a little bit uncomfortable , as though the earth we stood on had given a sudden lurch .
13 Much of this is due to the face that , following the recent Monopolies and Mergers Commission report on pub ownership , many breweries are actually moving out of brewing itself and concentrating instead on pub management — an area where they believe they stand to make the greatest profits .
14 ‘ The freestanding stable wing , the coachmen and ostlers ’ accommodation , the skittle alley and cobbled yard can be of the greatest interest and yet are very vulnerable to the ubiquitous need , often enforced by the planning authorities , for adequate car parking space .
15 The article was by Percy Hoskins , the greatest Commissioners of Police and thieves and villains , who drank champagne at the Caprice , had an apartment in park lane , was an intimate of Lord Beaverbrook , yet kept the common touch .
16 Framed to inflict on man the greatest ill ,
17 In retrospect , the greatest disservice Charles Howard ever did me was the way he had somehow made it impossible for me to trust this man .
18 It wo n't be the greatest place you 've ever lived , I know , but at least it 's going to be dry and … ’
19 This is when there is the greatest risk of the glider being lifted off the ground by the first strong gust .
20 One of the greatest hazards to a pilot can be his lack of current flying practice .
21 In 1979 , James Anderton , the Christian moralist chief constable of Greater Manchester , described the greatest threat to law and order as stemming from ‘ seditionist … interested groups who do not have the well-being of this country at heart and who mean to undermine democracy ’ ( Thompson 1979 : 380 ) .
22 the greatest problem with the current working of the scheme appears to relate to ‘ re-entry ’ into the Service …
23 He links this to the act of consciousness raising , which I consider presents the greatest problem for the insider who can not leave the field or return to academia .
24 Aside from six months of celibate desire , three bottles of wine with the greatest drag queen in the world , a won't-be-shrugged-off resentment that only now you sound as if you care ?
25 Perhaps one of the greatest inhibitors of performance is fear or anxiety .
26 The fourth point is the one that requires the greatest skill because it presupposes that you apply the hook at precisely the right time .
27 He who had performed for royalty , dined with national presidents , rubbed shoulders with the greatest names in the world of art and theatre , film and music , became a delightful companion and — it was never absent — a solicitous host .
28 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
29 Coming as it did from such a family — not only from Lazarus ' and Lyon 's own strenuous devotions to their faith , in which names are of the greatest significance , but also from that of Solomon Klinitsky-Klein , his maternal grandfather and his very similar tradition .
30 The naming of a child is a rite of the greatest importance in Judaism .
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