Example sentences of "[Wh pn] wrote [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Levi who emerged from a regime of cruelty and humiliation with his judgement intact , his mind not closed , neither vengeful nor forgetful , and who wrote a noble and rational book about what had happened to him , is mentioned only cursorily and as if concessively by Fernanda Eberstadt .
2 Guided by his new-found friend , Charles studied Jung and also the work of economist and philosopher E. F. Schumacher , who wrote a book entitled Small Is Beautiful ; over the years the Prince has found many of the answers he was searching for .
3 The first programme we watched after it was installed was one my father would have loved , about old sailing-ships and the life of our ancestor , the poet-sailor William Falconer , who wrote a long poem , The Shipwreck , which was popular in its day .
4 Apparently the Four Masters were seventeenth-century Franciscans from the Friary , who wrote a pro-Catholic history of Donegal .
5 ‘ He died when the balance of his mind was temporarily undisturbed , ’ quips Greenslade , whose conclusion will bring added comfort to Lloyd 's underwriters who wrote a £20 million personal accident policy for Maxwell .
6 If you 're that abusive cow who wrote a few weeks back , then you can drop dead for all I care .
7 Thus , if we know of an author who wrote a very good book or article a few years ago on our chosen topic we can look up his name to see if anyone has been citing that article recently .
8 Sir Theodore Cook , an historian of architecture and a natural historian who wrote a classic work on spirals and helices , The Curves of Life , 70 years ago , thought these two differences between wild and domesticated animals not unrelated .
9 They are sufficiently common to have been studied in several ancient civilisations , and are named after Diophantus of Alexandria who wrote a 13-volume treatise on arithmetic in about 250 AD .
10 It is interesting that Dalyell shares an almost pathological dislike for Snow with F. R. Leavis , the scourge of the English Faculty at Cambridge , who wrote a vitriolic riposte to Snow 's Two Cultures lecture .
11 Great names along the trail include Albrecht Dürer , Hans Holbein , Hans Lutzelburger , Jean Cousin , Bernard Salamon , Jean Michel Papillon ( who wrote a famous treatise on the art in 1766 ) , Thomas Bewick , William Blake , Thomas Stothard , the Dalziel Brothers and Gustave Dore .
12 Gore , who wrote a book on the environment , was unavailable for comment yesterday .
13 Richter 's story was unearthed by Mario Mariscotti who wrote a book in Spanish called The Secret of Huemmel Island in which he tells how Argentina , during the Peronist regime , had mistakenly thought that fusion was its for the asking .
14 Their father died when George was three years old , and the strongest influence on him , until she died when he was thirty-four , was his mother Magdalene , the patroness of John Donne , who wrote a well-known poem to her : Donne , in preaching her funeral sermon , described how , ‘ as her house was a court in the conversation of the best and an almshouse in feeding the poore , so it was also a hospital in ministering relief to the sick .
15 At first sight it is astonishing that the Alternative Service Book of the Church of England should commemorate someone who was imprisoned for refusing to attend its services , who wrote a treatise against its Prayer Book , and who in his memoirs counted among his sins his reverence for that Church as a child .
16 Mr Patrick McIntyre , a South London publican and former New Scotland Yard detective who wrote a regular crime column for the South London Chronicle , was another who cast doubt on the Hooligan panic , accusing newspapers of being in their ‘ silly season ’ and of taking the matter up merely ‘ as a suitable and sensational means of filling their columns at the present moment ’ .
17 For example the German scholar who wrote a monumental life of Philip Augustus in six volumes and , in the process , came to study Richard 's career with great thoroughness , believed that " he had abandoned himself entirely to the pleasures of Messina where the women seemed very seductive to warriors from the North " .
18 As far as I know , the first person to discuss black holes was a Cambridge man called John Michell , who wrote a paper about them in 1783 .
19 The same moral revulsion was expressed by the novelist Samuel Butler ( 1835–1902 ) , who wrote a series of books and articles attacking Darwin , beginning with his Evolution Old and New of 1879 .
20 Thomas Good [ q.v. ] , master of Balliol , thought him ‘ one of the most pious ingenious men that ever I was acquainted with ’ , while to the anonymous friend who wrote a preface to A Serious and Pathetical Contemplation , he was ‘ a man of a cheerful and sprightly Temper … very affable and pleasant in his Conversation ’ , although he was so full of his vision of God 's love and man 's felicity that ‘ those that would converse with him , were forced to endure some discourse upon these subjects , whether they had any sense of Religion , or not . ’
21 The first Jewish embassy to Rome under Judas Maccabaeus appears to have included the historian Eupolemus , who wrote a history of the Jews in Greek and maintained that the Phoenicians and consequently the Greeks had learnt the art of writing from Moses ( cf.
22 Lothar 's supporter Angelbert who wrote a lament over the fallen , may have had Bernard in mind when he attributed his own side 's defeat to the last-minute defection of certain " commanders " .
23 At the root of most medieval writing on the subject was the late fourth-century figure of St Jerome , who wrote a tract adversus Jovinianum , attacking the arguments of a relatively liberal-minded monk , Jovinianus , who had denied the superiority of virginity to marriage .
24 However , sociology , a term invented by Auguste Comte in 1839 and popularised by Herbert Spencer ( who wrote a premature book on the principles of this as of numerous other sciences [ 1876 ] ) , was much talked about .
25 Thanks to the person who wrote a report ) I 'm amazed that you could find much to write about ) .
26 I would like to say I 'm deeply grateful to councillor Elaine who wrote a wonderful letter to the director of transportation which has formed the basis of my speech .
27 The joint junior winners were Catherine Daniels , 12 , from Maltby in Cleveland , with a fantasy tale about cats , and 15-year-old Sagarika Chattergee , of Leith Road , Darlington , who wrote a story about a troubled marriage .
28 A MUSICIAN who wrote a unique series of music books for physically disabled people has found himself in their shoes after suffering a stroke .
29 Jean de Pierrefeu , who wrote a vivid and often caustic chronicle of the G.Q.G. , describes de Castelnau as follows :
30 ‘ WHO was ‘ Quickstep ’ , who wrote a weekly dance feature for the Wednesday Echo in the 1930s ? ’ asks Tricia Jenkins , of Liverpool University .
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