Example sentences of "[Wh pn] held [art] " in BNC.

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1 Foresters of fee who held no land of the king relied on the dues they exacted from the forest inhabitants as their recompense for guarding vert and venison : the temptation to extortion was great .
2 The chief ecclesiastical adviser of Louis VI 's later years , and of the opening phase of Louis VII 's reign , was Suger , the abbot of Saint-Denis , who held no formal office , except during the Second Crusade , when he was regent in the king 's absence .
3 And Mrs Katz , a gentle soul who held no grudge for the loss of her skull .
4 The inclusion of half-a-dozen peers who held no significant office suggests that it was beginning to revert to the form of the 1520s , when the Council had included both office-holders and men whose political support was valuable to the Crown .
5 Kitingan , 43 , who held no official position , was reported to have recently acquired influence among youth groups in the state .
6 To argue over the logic or truth of an idea in absolute terms is to explore the nature of belief itself , but for an historian of ideas what is most interesting is ‘ who held a particular belief at a particular time and what needs it fulfilled for them .
7 There was the son of a Dallas police officer who held a press conference last autumn to ‘ confess ’ that his dead father was the ‘ second gunman ’ some believe fired at the president from a grassy knoll .
8 The three athletes , who had been accused of tampering with a urine test in South Africa in January , were restored to competition after the three-man commission , who held a 14-hour hearing stretching over two days in Darmstadt , declared there had been ‘ holes in the chain of evidence ’ during and after testing by South African anti-doping control officials .
9 My first Chinese contact in Vancouver was with Seto More , who held a senior position with the CPR 's Asiatic passenger service .
10 A plot or land was reckoned the normal basis of the feudal contract , and this notion was never lost sight of , however common the domestic knight and the vassal who held a money fief might become ( see pp. 184–5 ) .
11 These were James Geikie , the younger brother of Archibald , and John Young who held a medical degree but had become interested in geology .
12 Mr Major , who held a crisis meeting in Downing Street yesterday , said : ‘ We need to weigh the desirability of enforcing the no-fly zone against the possible impact of that on UN humanitarian efforts and the safety of our own troops .
13 She was followed by the Sri Lankan who held a pile of cloth .
14 The exhibition is the result of a joint collaboration with the Louisiana Museum , Humblebaek , Denmark who held a more comprehensive retrospective last year , and has been curated by Joachim Kaak and Ulrich Krempel .
15 The Podensac , who held a number of strong-points on the Garonne , had married into the bourgeois family of Caillau at Bordeaux in 1293 and thus brought much of their fortune into the Albret inheritance .
16 Two of the boys from amongst these pioneers went on to study Mathematics at Cambridge , with great success , to Daniels ' pride : J. G. Adshead of Caius College , who eventually became Professor of Mathematics at Dalhousie University , Nova Scotia , and W. L. Edge of Trinity College , who held a similar post in the University of Edinburgh .
17 Finally , Mr. Beloff placed strong reliance on the decision of Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. in E.M.I . Records Ltd. v Spillane [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 967 , which concerned the position of a solicitor , who held a document disclosed on discovery by the opposite party in litigation subject to the usual implied undertaking , when confronted by a notice from the Customs and Excise to produce the document to them pursuant to their wide powers under the VAT legislation .
18 He slapped his rifle butt against his leather boot and nodded to Chuck Sherman , who held a similar rifle easily in the crook of his arm .
19 She looked at me unsmiling and I opened my mouth to protest that I was the last person in the world to take such a thing for granted , that I was the only person in the world who held a low opinion of sexual experience .
20 Over the next ten years , the journal recorded an ongoing debate between old-style moralists and younger , often newly professionalized women , who held a more rationalist approach to moral reform .
21 ( 2 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to it in that behalf by : ( a ) the executors , representatives or disponees of any person who held a licence in respect of premises situated within the area of the board and who has died before the expiry of the licence ; or ( b ) the trustee , judicial factor or curator bonis of any person holding such a licence who has become bankrupt , insolvent or incapable before the expiry of the licence ; transfer the licence to the applicant if the applicant is in possession of the premises .
22 This became the rallying cry of street demonstrators who held a series of protest meetings against the NSF , culminating in an occupation of University Square in Bucharest on April 22 , which lasted until after polling day .
23 For AT2 , who held a Scale 1 appointment , promotion within Art was the aim :
24 In 838 , Louis the Pious assigned Charles a bajulus ( literally , guardian , or superviser ) , Atto , who held a countship in the Rhineland near Mainz and ( along with his two brothers ) was now being promoted hard by the emperor to keep Louis the German in check .
25 Even in 1981 it could be claimed that those who held a " strongly anti-progressive , pro-standards line had been enjoying increasing credibility and increasingly strident support from most of the popular press " ( Dale et al.
26 When the roof of the cooking-stores threatened to blow off , it was his father who held a mat over it , wooden shingles spurting and whirling about him , until the thing could be bound down and weighted .
27 Amongst the first of these was one Erik Hazelhoff , at one time the aide to Queen Wilhelmina and who held a Dutch Knighthood on arrival in PFF .
28 Mr Globe alleged that in one incident a woman customer was seized in the National Westminster Bank in West Derby Road , by White who held a gun to her head as he ordered the cashier to hand over money .
29 Prestwick 's David Gourlay , jun , and Robert McCulloch never recovered from a disastrous start against the Welsh pair of Stephen Rees and John Price who held a 15-0 six-end lead and went on to win 28-11 .
30 Doddie Weir may have to impress at training today to force his way in among the forwards , who held a lineout session with assistant coach John Jeffrey at Happy Valley last night .
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