Example sentences of "[Wh pn] gave the " in BNC.

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1 Many of the ordinary Panamanians who gave the general such a stinging defeat in May 's annulled elections were astonished that the US allowed the coup to collapse when it had 12,000 troops stationed around the canal .
2 It was Mayer who gave the experienced Michael York a torrid afternoon and created a string of opportunities with penetrating crosses .
3 The students from that time remembered a man with a sharp sense of the ridiculous ; who ragged them but was too shy to be intimate with them though they liked him much for his friendliness and his humour ; who was famous for long , sudden , and embarrassing silences ; who was so eccentric that none of them believed that he could later be a man of distinction in England or his Church ; a man who loved theology — they never met anywhere else a man who so loved theology , and who regarded theology as the highest intellectual activity for humanity ; a fierce defender of liberty of opinion , for Marxists as for anyone else ; whose principal theme was the glory of God , and who was evidently touched by his ideas of Plato ; who did not give the impression of a mind of exceptional ability — there was not enough knife in the mind — but who gave the impression of being an exceptional person ; who disturbed other people 's prayers in chapel with convulsive fidgets and sudden face-rubbings — they regarded him as tense in his devotions and were afraid of a nervous breakdown ; who had a manifest and rare mystical sense of the immediate presence of God , a presence so brilliant that it could almost overpower .
4 Kenneth Grahame , the man who gave the world this masterpiece in 1908 , was an escapist .
5 Among the forward-looking theologians who were trying to come to terms with the new scientific data was the Dean of St Paul 's , Canon H.L. Mansel , who gave the Bampton Lectures in 1858 .
6 The promise was won by the actress Saskia Reeves who gave the finished sketch to her father .
7 The men of 602 were part of that group of young men who gave the greatest gift of all in 1941 , when the Battle of Britain stopped the Nazi war-machine over the fields of southern England , the Scots accounting for 130 of the 175 enemy aircraft downed .
8 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
9 Some of the more important include George Blake , who worked for MI6 ( see Chapter 2 ) ; John Cairncross , who betrayed Ultra secrets from the Government Code & Cipher School ( GCCS ) at Bletchley Park during the war to the Russians ; John Vassall , a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty ; Frank Bossard , who gave the Russians details of British and American guided weapons systems ( which must have amused them greatly as the Russians were far ahead of the West at the time ) ; and William Marshall , who had worked as a cipher clerk at the British Embassy in Moscow .
10 At the end of the period of indecision , however , in 1975 , it was ironically Energy Secretary Tony Benn , nowadays a major critic of nuclear expansion , who gave the go-ahead for two further AGRs ( at Torness and Heysham ) .
11 Ian Kennedy , Reader in Law at King 's College , London , who gave the 1980 Reith lecture on medical ethics , felt that firmer legal guidelines were required to ensure that handicapped babies were not left to die , and that the decision could not be left to parents and doctors .
12 It was obvious and natural that as the last report had dealt mostly with the more able pupils so its successor should focus upon the needs of the pupils of average and below-average ability — that 50 per cent of all pupils , in other words , who gave the Report its title , Half Our future .
13 The food was served by three maids and a man who gave the impression he was the major-domo of the house .
14 Enoch Gebler embraced his grandson , then took the boy inside , closing the door against Bobby , who gave the door a good kick and grinning , walked away .
15 The man who gave the world songs of peace and love died this year in the stench of gunsmoke .
16 Peer back to the time of William the Conqueror who gave the Isle of Holderness to a knight ‘ well tried in feats of arms ’ , Drogo de Bevere .
17 Local officials who gave the figure appealed yesterday for tents and medicines for the survivors of the country 's worst earthquake in years .
18 The woman , who gave the name Bernadette , said from their home in Tulse Hill , south London : ‘ Before all this was in the papers John told me he had served Mr Lamont .
19 Dr Nigel Cox , who gave the terminally ill woman a lethal injection , has accepted an offer from bosses to go back under supervision .
20 That video , though , was found by Jan 's brother Paul , who gave the low-down on Lowe to his mother , Lena Parsons .
21 ‘ It was us who gave the kids the dog . ’
22 It was George Orwell who gave the most memorable expression to the socialist patriotism of 1940 .
23 ‘ She reacts to the wrong bits , ’ says the 34-year-old author who gave the world the stomach-churning chiller Slugs .
24 Last autumn they met NFU leader David Naish , who gave the group his support .
25 It was Hua who gave the order for Jiang Qing and her associates to be arrested along with many of their supporters .
26 Daryl , who gave the jury a demonstration of the backward swing , said : ‘ I asked him what his handicap was and he did n't appear to understand .
27 ‘ It was Sarah , I can tell you , who gave the orders in their house , not Andrew . ’
28 It was Mr Grade , a former BBC boss , who gave the go-ahead to the hit soap EastEnders .
29 April 11 1987 Take note of the writer who gave the world Baby Amphetamine in 1987 — three Virgin shopgirls in a massive Alan McGee scam .
30 ‘ My desire was for punishment , not revenge , and was directed at the officers who gave the orders — perhaps because of the interviews . ’
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