Example sentences of "[Wh pn] told the " in BNC.

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1 The attack was stepped up by Raghib Ahsan , of Birmingham Ladywood , who told the conference : ‘ We are offered scraps from the masters ’ table , and hungry as we are for black representation , our response must be to spit them out . ’
2 Easing London 's increasing traffic congestion by road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson who told the Commons transport committee that it would be impractical .
3 Mrs Laxmi Swami , who told the court her employers wrenched out two of her gold teeth and kept her without food for days , was awarded the damages , and costs estimated at £100,000 , against Princesses Faria and Simiya Al Sabah , sisters of the Emir of Kuwait .
4 The charges were made by Derek Johnson of Southern Counties , a silver medal winner at the Olympic Games in 1956 , who told the board 's annual meeting that he wanted to correct the record on how the board came to be wound up in 1987 and its financial affairs taken over by the AAA .
5 Apart from Mrs Thatcher 's unqualified declaration of support , the only other comment on the events in Panama has come from the Spanish Prime Minister , Mr Felipe Gonzalez , who told the Cortes in Madrid that his government ‘ condemned outright all foreign intervention ’ .
6 Bunker 's early efforts to bring about a settlement had been angrily brushed aside by Clasper , who told the regional officer in no uncertain terms that his help was not needed .
7 Glen Barr of Vanguard and the UDA went to Libya to seek financial support from Colonel Gadaffi for an independent Ulster and was quickly accused of communism by Clifford Smyth , then a leading DUP Assemblyman , who told the DUP 's annual conference in November 1974 that Libya was a ‘ significant springboard for Russian subversion in Western Europe ’ .
8 Both boys had been taken prisoner and tortured ( according to Dr Caskie , who told the story in his book The Tartan Pimpernel ) ‘ until the blood came out of their ears ’ ; but they managed convincingly to deny their activities , and eventually they were released .
9 The six men were convicted of the Birmingham pub bombs in 1975 , partly on the evidence of Home Office forensic scientist Frank Skuse , who told the trial that the men had handled nitroglycerine .
10 I just remember the scientist who told the Wright brothers their machine would never fly . ’
11 That mining might mean the end of the road for the town , with a population of some 6,000 people , did not unduly worry the man from the Department of Economic Development — Northern Ireland ( DEDNI ) , Ivor Greene , who told the Irish Times ‘ If it was decided that the time was proper for mining to proceed , Ballymoney could disappear but the people would be well compensated if it came to that ’ .
12 ‘ It was pretty close for a while , but in the last two sets I got run over by a Mack truck , ’ said Navratilova , who told the crowd that next year will probably be her last year of competing on the tour as a singles player .
13 But since they were very important people who told the original lies , they could n't eat humble pie and be seen to change their minds , so we 're stuck with the thing until the end of the next century , unless … ‘
14 The ad led them to Jennifer Vettel , who told the magazine that when her husband objected to her bike , she sold it .
15 Desperate for quiet they called police who told the old-timers to pipe down .
16 Special on the man who told the truth
17 Lord Keith encountered this difficulty in the person of a Midshipman Mayers , who told the admiral that he was qualified for promotion to lieutenant .
18 ‘ I will not tolerate dissent , ’ said referee ‘ Jersey Joe ’ Walcott , who told the other chief offender Moin that it was time he ‘ grew up ’ .
19 At least the politicians who told the story can hardly have believed it , and it seems unlikely that people swallowed whole everything that they were told by their masters in antiquity , any more than they do now .
20 Their neighbours sought the help of the IRA ( which adopted a vigilante role in the area ) who told the applicants that , unless they left Northern Ireland within 72 hours , they would all be killed .
21 It was the utterly excellent Yahweh who told the malefactors to go to hell .
22 ‘ You snored all night , ’ he said with relish , and Cermait got up and removed himself from this low vulgar company , because you could not stay in a room with people who told the High Queen that you snored .
23 I 've no idea who told the KGB my friend , Zbigniew , was spying for the British . ’
24 Situation : A is a teacher who told the class yesterday that an important piece of homework must be done that night .
25 But a plea for formalised plea bargaining by Bar Council chairman , was strongly repudiated by his successor , , a strong civil rights activist , who told the Criminal Law Solicitors Association conference , ‘ I can think of no greater avenue for injustice than plea bargaining ’ , which he described as mixing ‘ quantum with liability ’ .
26 Yesterday 's launch was attended by rape victim Judy , who told the recent Scottish Conservative Party conference of her ordeal and appealed for tougher sentencing in cases of violence against women .
27 One of the most hardline speeches was by V. Shabonov , a factory foreman from Saratov , who told the plenum : " A few scientists , informal groups , various nationalities and black marketeers have led the country down the road to bourgeois reforms , restoration of private property , political anarchy and the destruction of the party as a workers ' vanguard .
28 The speaker who told the story above is a twelve year-old white girl , born in London to white British-born parents .
29 One of those who told the court of hearing screams was a 14 year old canoist .
30 The claim was made by Tottenham Hotspur chief , Alan Sugar , who told the High Court about soccer 's behind-the-scenes transfer market wheeling and dealing and alleged that former Nottingham Forest manager Brian Clough liked a ‘ bung ’ a personal payment in cash .
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