Example sentences of "[ex0] 'd [be] " in BNC.

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1 There 'd been two heads on those pillows , ’ agreed Ethel , ‘ and two bodies between those sheets , however hard they tried to disguise it . ’
2 We were told that previously , when dogs were allowed , there 'd been problems , so they decided to stop letting them in .
3 No doubt there 'd been the usual spate of Friday night burglaries , too .
4 ‘ As a result , we 've had an awful lot of letters from people saying there 'd been an oversight on their part , ’ says an outwardly cheerful Simpson .
5 The promised home help had n't turned up despite several letters , and there 'd been no sign of the district nurse over the weekend .
6 I wanted to ask if she had died peacefully , whether they had used a syringe driver , if there 'd been anyone to comfort her .
7 Last spring there 'd been a blackbird 's nest in the tree by the goal-post in the school playing-fields .
8 When she said she 'd been going to visit her friend , there 'd been no friend .
9 There 'd been a photograph of it in the paper , across someone 's hedge , its wings in a tree .
10 When Gloria complained , there 'd been a tiff and they 'd had to leave .
11 If the three arrows had all had flights … if there 'd been no wind …
12 It came from a scene set in a bar not unlike ours , and was said just after everyone in the bar had turned pale at the sight of a particular young man , a regular , entering the bar after a week 's absence ; the thing was , they were all wondering how they were going to break the news to him that there 'd been a terrible suicide , they were all wondering who was going to be the one to take this boy to one side and tell him what had happened to his friend , and why .
13 If there 'd been any more trouble , we would just have drawn our staffs and knocked all hell out of them .
14 There 'd been some trouble up there between the Catholics and the Protestants and we were ordered to put a line across the road and were ordered to take out our truncheons .
15 If you could call it afternoon when there 'd been no lunch .
16 Maybe he thought that since there 'd been sixty-odd quid in my bag there 'd be more on my person , and he only had to wait till I nodded off and then he 'd nick it and away .
17 There 'd been a ceremony called ban pasāi , the entering of the forest .
18 But in times gone by , there 'd been a feast at ban pasāi ; the women had brought rice and huge copper pans to the forest .
19 In those days too , there 'd been another festival a month or so later , called ban chho āi , the leaving of the forest .
20 There 'd been a frost in the night , but now in the mid-afternoon the sun on our backs was strong and warm .
21 At this end of the village the night had been quiet , but in the Untouchable quarter to the west , there 'd been quite a kerfuffle .
22 There 'd been no call for him to attend .
23 There 'd been neither sight nor sound of James since that fateful day and no doubt he had forgotten her as quickly as he had taken her , but he must be told there was going to be a child .
24 When Ma had come home from London with her there 'd been great excitement , and Edward and his brother Billy had looked at the mite as if she were a fairy found among the budding snowdrops .
25 There 'd been a thing about it in the paper .
26 It was grey , and strangely motionless , as if there 'd been a sudden rush of concrete to his head ,
27 And suddenly the air seemed deadened , as if there 'd been an explosion .
28 We all ended up staying at this inn about five miles down the road , and in the morning I was woken up really early by a phone call from Andrew Love , one of the Memphis Horns , who told me there 'd been an accident , and he was just checking to see if I was in my room .
29 Back at the start of March there 'd been a shake .
30 There 'd been another quake at 4am , a 6.5 shock .
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