Example sentences of "[been] telling the " in BNC.

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1 We 've been telling the Rugby Union for years that we want help ; what they 're doing now is like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted . ’
2 All through the first part of the interview — the crazy part , when she had been talking about seeing her son in the house — Hank had been telling the straight truth .
3 After all , you have been telling the time for years , have n't you ?
4 Writers , poets and bards had been telling the stories for centuries but it was not until the Victorians that a visual interpretation was recorded and that was essentially romantic and ill-informed .
5 ‘ I 've just been telling the captain .
6 Sarah had been too ill to defend herself , and besides , in a way Elizabeth Bradford had been telling the truth .
7 As you 've been reading this book God has been telling the Holy Spirit to make the bits that are especially important for you to stick in your mind .
8 He 's been telling the girls that their costumes for the video will be added by using computer graphics .
9 Oliver Sacks is hardly putting himself out on a limb when he affirms that the brain is not like a computer : neuroscientists have been telling the Artificial Intelligence buffs that for years .
10 Although it has been telling the world how successfully it has recovered , Unisys Corp made clear at the annual meeting last week just how parlous the company 's condition remains .
11 Charles was relieved that the information put her in the clear ; she had been telling the truth .
12 Gustav need n't have been telling the truth about the Allies — though it sounds as if he might have been telling it about his wife .
13 So perhaps Lesley-Jane had been telling the truth in her description of the relationship .
14 Florian stopped his theatrically narrow-eyed scrutiny of Maria and grinned at Luke , who must have been telling the truth because he was all attention , no less than riveted .
15 He 'd been telling the truth .
16 ‘ He told me I had no right to inflict pain on those girls , because they 'd simply been telling the truth . ’
17 Had he been telling the truth ?
18 Thames Valley police officers have been telling the Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke they need more people and resources to do the job .
19 Sedgefield Tory candidate Nick Jopling whose father Michael has long occupied a safe seat at Westminster has been telling the Diary the poignant story of the lowest point of his life .
20 He knew Phil Jordan 's home number and dialled it , hoping Jordan had been telling the truth about going home .
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