Example sentences of "[been] throw [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Turning her head round to see what the pain could be , Pepita had seen the spider scuttle back into the crate from which she had been thrown with the bananas .
2 From Bernard Shaw 's correspondence with Mrs Patrick Campbell some light has been thrown on his personal life and general outlook .
3 Further doubt has been thrown on such findings when validity tests have been included ( Rathus and Siegel , 1980 ) .
4 For example , by looking at a pot , it may be suspected that it has not been thrown on a wheel but has been made from coils of clay , joined together and smoothed by hand to form the wall of the pot .
5 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
6 But recently bulbs have been thrown on a compost heap and wooden crosses made by his young grandchildren have been dumped on his widow 's doorstep .
7 This is the brickbat that has been thrown at Pound from the first , and is thrown at him still , because of his unswerving attention to what makes poetry poetry , and not some other sort of discourse versified .
8 And it 's all been thrown at them so suddenly , has n't it ?
9 Attempts were made to disperse the stone throwers with a water cannon , but its progress was halted by a barricade ; police trying to clear the obstruction returned fire with stones which had been thrown at them .
10 Recently money has been thrown at physical infrastructure .
11 ‘ There 's no weight to isolated acts of self-aggrandizing heroism in a decaying society , ’ said a man who was generally nice , and who bore on his forehead the triangular scar of a marble paperweight that had been thrown at him by his best friend , a Tory , for a sentence like that .
12 All the warning had been thrown at her , and I was n't interested in blokes , so I did n't need it .
13 The ultimate insult had been thrown at him : he , the Maître Auguste Didier , had been obliged , nay commanded , not only to appear in Dickensian dress but to don the unmistakable apparel of Alexis Soyer : tight white drill trousers , matching tunic , short jacket , ridiculous cummerbund , slotted into which was his own kitchen knife ( no doubt for a speedy self-martyrdom after the imminent disaster of this meal ) and , worse , the horror on his head .
14 Before the Christmas rinds had been thrown to the pigs , Osbern of Eu had gone , in one of Thorfinn 's remaining ships , and twenty men with him , in seas as ready to rob them of life as the war they were joining in Normandy .
15 I stood up and gazed at a small pile of my toys which had been thrown to one side of my cupboard .
16 I had been thrown off the cricket team at school for making daisy chains on the boundary .
17 ‘ Great strapping brutes they were , with backs on them like the deck of a ship , ’ William 's grandad said , who 'd been thrown off both and knew .
18 The Eighty-ninth Law of Dybbukry : Never , ever let your subject know you 've been thrown off balance .
19 The BMC 's ability to negotiate access agreements for the whole climbing community and to enforce their controversial bolting policy has been thrown into stark relief over a small and obscure gritstone crag in the Derbyshire Peak .
20 Rubbish , dog excreta , broken glass and other unpleasant items have been thrown into Steve 's garden and his tyres have also been slashed .
21 ITV has been thrown into disarray because the current franchises have been extended for three years while the Government introduces a new free market framework .
22 The people are almost foreign to me , the more so because country people have not yet been thrown into quite the same confusion as townspeople , and therefore look awkwardly upon those who are not in trade — writing is an unskilled labour and not a trade — not on the land , and not idle … .
23 THE FUTURE of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union has been thrown into serious doubt after Common Market foreign ministers clashed unexpectedly yesterday over the controversial protocol which explicitly blocks Irish women 's EC right to seek abortion overseas .
24 These had been thrown into the Muniment Room in the most higgledy-piggledy manner over at least two centuries .
25 The policies and attitudes of the corporations have , moreover , been thrown into sharp focus by the emergence of alternative approaches to wide-scale urban regeneration , which have been promoted elsewhere in the UK , notably in Scotland .
26 Indeed , the proposed development has been thrown into doubt with the Secretary of State 's decision to call it in for a public inquiry following representations from environmental pressure groups objecting to the scheme 's architectural quality .
27 black grapes available would have been thrown into the brew to give the wine a little colour , but in Champagne 's naturally crisp climate , the skins of black grapes rarely give much colour to a wine , hence the weak and insipid impressions of early descriptions .
28 They were asked to talk to them and find out for themselves about the families who had been thrown into such torment ; they were asked to talk about the children and about their lives at home .
29 Richard , of Cheltenham , Glos , said : ‘ Jackie was extremely distressed because Vernon had been thrown into a cell with 100 other prisoners . ’
30 Several homes have now been raided , many members are now under investigation and 2 of our Filipino brothers have been thrown into jail — without trial .
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