Example sentences of "[pn reflx] among the " in BNC.

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1 Terry Eagleton came some way to acknowledging this , in a quasi-refutation of his Althusserian phase , when he included himself among the English Marxist intellectuals who ‘ managed the difficult dialectical trick of appropriating certain Althusserian concepts in blithe ignorance or disregard of their guilty political context . ’
2 He resumes a remarkably productive partnership with pianist John Taylor , himself among the best around .
3 That he had taken over Joe the Fish 's businesses and made a name for himself among the villains .
4 Then , in the middle of the election campaign , he suddenly found himself among the accused .
5 I mean , he was able to put himself among the duped .
6 Until Wulfhere was able to establish a dominant position for himself among the southern kings ( see below , pp. 114 ff. ) , the evidence suggests a multiplicity of regional overlordships .
7 Beesley , adept in any emergency , counterfeited the pass required to let him board the facsimile Titanic , dressed himself in period costume ( can echoes prove the truth of the thing being echoed ? ) and installed himself among the extras .
8 These were years of growth in power and status for the skilled unions of mid-Victorian Britain , and Applegarth established himself among the leading union personalities of his day .
9 Once in he could lose himself among the excited household , and never be in one place long enough to be an object of suspicion , until he could find a means of encountering Ralf Isambard alone .
10 The wasp has no other effect on the environment and the bumble bee is left to busy himself among the plants , pollinating the flowers in a naturally effective way .
11 A figure of that sort , roughly twice the value of East Germany 's 1986 exports and imports combined , is bound to cause incredulity , but even if the figure were halved , it would still be a remarkable indication of what has happened to a country which in the first half of the 1980s claimed to have established itself among the top ten industrial nations .
12 There were also many more limited ventures such as Pearson 's Fresh Air Fund , established in 1896 by Arthur Pearson , the founder of The Daily Express , to provide country holidays for city children , and this was itself among the inspirations for the fresh air philosophies of Baden-Powell 's Boy Scouts launched in 1908 .
13 Her voice trailed away , losing itself among the branches .
14 The priest completed his circuit and disappeared behind the altar screen , leaving in his wake a long trail of incense which gradually mounted into the roof and lost itself among the ostrich eggs and silver censers suspended there .
15 In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states .
16 Suddenly a wave of total panic swept across her like nausea and she had to resist the urge to dash from the car and hide herself among the trees .
17 Females tend to disperse themselves among the males but in cases where a male has an especially good territory a female may opt to breed with him even if he already has a mate , rather than go for one without .
18 At its heart lie two raised mires of deep peat , wildernesses of scattered birch , where adders sun themselves among the fern , and amber dragonflies haunt the peaty pools .
19 At the inquest a fellow debtor , Harry Wood , told the coroner the routine was to rise at six and then busy themselves among the cells till breakfast at 7.15 .
20 A wasteful volley was shot towards him , but the range was far too long and the balls spent themselves among the thick stalks .
21 Glasgow St Enoch Square found themselves among the prizewinners for consistently coming up with good , well qualified leads .
22 ‘ Ministers have not only not spoken out against this irresponsibility but now can not speak persuasively against these boardroom excesses because so many ex-Cabinet Ministers are themselves among the beneficiaries of these excesses , ’ he said .
23 Liverpool 's performance was based more on perspiration than inspiration as Spartak provided confirmation that the Anfield club can no longer automatically regard themselves among the European soccer giants .
24 I crept along the riverside until I reached the culvert and hid myself among the banks of sweet cicely to read my book .
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