Example sentences of "[Wh det] goes on " in BNC.

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1 This is from one of the letters written by Shelley in Italy , which goes on to describe the painting of St Cecilia by Raphael :
2 It is this which produces Leonard 's startling use of juxtaposition , which goes on to become a disavowal technique . )
3 Walk on round to those cliffs and you come to what seem like utterly derelict sheds hanging on the edge of the precipice , stinking of goat : these are stacked with piles of skins for tanning , which goes on below in Brobdingnagian wooden barrels and enormous concrete troughs .
4 The breadth of this review , which goes on to discuss Sir Thomas Elyot 's The Governour and to conclude by looking at immediate reforms applicable in a modern world of ‘ industrial exploitation … ’ where ‘ local community does not exist ’ relates clearly to ‘ East Coker ’ .
5 He regretted the Opposition had not agreed a bipartisan policy and it had to be asked why they had no similar feelings about the forced repatriation of people from Hong Kong to China ‘ which goes on on every bitas big a scale as anything we are contemplating now ’ .
6 There are many who are surprised to discover that the words you see before you have been brought to you with little electronic influence beyond that which goes on within the brains of the writer and reader .
7 ( rather a lot of which goes on inside an internal combustion engine . )
8 The House of Commons , particularly , but also the House of Lords , is often thought of as a club and the exchange of views and striking of bargains which goes on outside the chamber can be and frequently is of much greater significance than the public posturing which goes on within it .
9 The House of Commons , particularly , but also the House of Lords , is often thought of as a club and the exchange of views and striking of bargains which goes on outside the chamber can be and frequently is of much greater significance than the public posturing which goes on within it .
10 Nevertheless , the busy life which goes on in the unconscious profoundly affects our feelings and reactions in our conscious , outer life .
11 After predictably brash , bright and breezy powerpop run-throughs of ‘ Bill ’ and ‘ Pumpkin ’ , Seaweed deliver a stupid , sexy and slyly squiggly head-screwing dubversh of ‘ Squint ’ , which goes on far , far too long unless one is savagely drugged .
12 Fig. 1.2 shows the essentials of the system design process but since feed-back paths are omitted this figure does not indicate either the repetition and iteration which goes on in operational design or the different possible priorities and variability in the order of decision-making .
13 Insecticides used for control are designed to have a residual action which goes on killing cockroaches several months after the initial application .
14 We leave at 12.30 for Jedburgh for their ball which goes on until 6.30 am .
15 ‘ We have to be back in Duns by 8.30 am to start our riding which goes on until 2.00 . ’
16 Some of this will almost certainly be in contravention of the 1988 Copyright Act , but a lot will be legitimate copying similar to that which goes on in all universities and public libraries .
17 Few of the million or so visitors who take advantage of the Garden as a public amenity each year are aware of the scientific heritage behind the Garden , or indeed of the high level of scientific work which goes on behind the scenes today .
18 All these are not merely parts of our descriptive model ; we assume that they correspond very directly to aspects of the activity which goes on in the mind of speakers ; by contrast the relation of instantiation which links particular items of the English vocabulary and the elements E and P is metalinguistic , since in any particular use of a linguistic structure the word-meanings which are present , supported of course by the word-forms which are the overt carriers of the meanings , are the Es and the Ps , rather than being related to them .
19 It 's the relationship between the client and the advertiser which goes on for the next two years .
20 But what I do think occurs , and this is bourne out er in my own case , I mean I 'm extremely reluctant to go into my staffroom simply because of the amount of smoking which goes on there .
21 The lyric is not generically debarred from standing out against the state , or from taking a generous interest in what goes on in the world .
22 Thus , one might characterize one 's grasp on the experience of seeming to see a red object as something is going on in me ( I do n't know what it is ) which is like what goes on when a red object is acting on my eyes ; or … like what goes on in me to make me behave in a red-object-appropriate way .
23 Thus , one might characterize one 's grasp on the experience of seeming to see a red object as something is going on in me ( I do n't know what it is ) which is like what goes on when a red object is acting on my eyes ; or … like what goes on in me to make me behave in a red-object-appropriate way .
24 Of course he is incompetent , and as well as being swept along in the muddle and uproar he shares ‘ our town 's ’ positive transpersonal complicities in what goes on here .
25 In this context , what goes on outside , what is actually written by poets and novelists , is of minor interest .
26 I believe it to have been factually true that Crossman 's ambition to gain and retain Cabinet office was the aspiration to be in a position to observe what goes on as an academic or a philosopher observes .
27 According to Alistair Kelman , however , many companies do not even comply with the Companies Act by keeping detailed records of what goes on in their computer systems .
28 For example , what goes on when looking at , say , a Matisse in an art gallery .
29 Theatres and concert halls can be beautiful and stirring places , quite apart from what goes on in them .
30 THIS is such a delicious offering , of the kind that makes you chuckle in recollection on the way home , that I do not really want to give the game away by saying too much about what goes on .
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