Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] normally " in BNC.

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1 We would suggest that in neuropathic pseudoobstruction it is more likely that the tachygastria is induced by loss of intrinsic inhibitory innervation which may normally modify the frequency of polarisation of the plasmalemmal membrane of the gastric smooth muscle cells .
2 As to the second argument , the Court accepted that in principle it was desirable to entrust supervisory control to a judge , concluding that the rule of law implies that executive interference with individual rights should be subject to effective control which should normally be the judges on the ground that this offers the best guarantee of independence , impartiality , and proper procedures .
3 He ordered that January , March , May , July , September and November should each have 31 days , the other months having 30 days , except February which should normally have 29 but in leap years would have 30 .
4 The base was merely one of the factors which should normally be considered .
5 That said , however , the course which should normally be followed , if circumstances such as those before us ever arise again , is for the defendant to apply to the county court for a rehearing under Order 37 of the County Court Rules , and to adduce his affidavit evidence in support of that application .
6 It is the latter 's contention that Ultimate Concern , the holy or unconditional , expresses itself in a variety of forms : in painting , which may have no religious content in the traditional sense ; in philosophy , when attempts are made to understand the nature of ultimate reality ; in ideologies which might normally be regarded as secular , such as , nationalism , socialism and humanism ; and in traditional religions .
7 But , in his report , Government inspector H Stephens says : ‘ The banging of car doors , the starting of engines and the noise from car alarms would be introduced close to habitable rooms and adjacent to residents ’ gardens which might normally be expected to be both peaceful and quiet . ’
8 The cliff hideout also possessed its own ritual bath , a mikveh , which would normally have been used by the priest for religious purification .
9 We devised a sort of Great Egg Race for the children — Rover gave us some materials which would normally have gone on the scrap heap , lent us a hall and judged the competition .
10 Some figures put the market share at more than 25 per cent which would normally trigger a monopolies inquiry .
11 Local authorities will now have to divorce their regulatory arms from the disposal organisation by forming separate companies which would normally be in private hands .
12 Sandys accepted the need for carriers in limited war and enshrined the continued existence off our carrier groups , one of which would normally be deployed East of Suez , in his 1957 White Paper .
13 Some have received large capital grants to improve their buildings , while others have been able to put to good use the money which would normally be spent on local authority overheads .
14 However , at Foxton they are side-aligned ‘ pounds ’ rather than ‘ ponds ’ , designed to maintain a water supply to each lock , and contain the water which would normally be in the pound between each lock .
15 The drama comes from separating the tooth germ of a mouse embryo from the overlying sheet and then recombining it with the cell sheet enclosing the limb , but which would normally form skin .
16 This charge also applies to items which would normally have been returned but which have been guaranteed by a Barclays Connect card or cheque guarantee card .
17 Each step in the viral life cycle is catalysed by enzymes from the infected cell which would normally be performing similar tasks in the life cycle of the cell .
18 The court which would normally have taken cognizance was that over which the lord presided ; and although it was in the lord 's court that the vassal made his defiance , it was usually done , not in person , but by messenger or herald , and the vassal could not at that stage accept any ruling of the court .
19 Moreover , they are suitable only for residential roads where the traffic flow is light ( a peak flow of under 250v/hr in both directions ) and are not therefore applicable to larger city districts which would normally contain a hierarchy of road types .
20 These consultations , which would normally cost a small fortune , are free .
21 When a tree is removed , the water which would normally have been extracted remains in the ground , which can result in swelling .
22 Where rights ( at least in the strong sense in which he uses the term ) are in play , they operate like political trumps to defeat arguments founded on appeals to general social utility which would normally be accepted as a sufficient justification for overriding the wishes of an individual .
23 An example is PCP , Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , which would normally cause no trouble to those with a healthy immune function .
24 Defence against acqua alta concentrates on the restructuring of the Lido , Malamocco and Chioggia entrances to the Lagoon , and the positioning of mobile barriers across them which would normally lie flat on the sea bed .
25 If it is used , however , to highlight commonly experienced deprivations and restrictions , and stimulate a move away from those towards a range of service provisions and life-styles which would normally be seen as more adequate , more acceptable , and even more desirable — which would , in short , be valued by most of that society — then normalisation must offer some hope of a breakthrough .
26 Its meaning has begun to leak away through indiscriminate extensions beyond its original significance , extensions to cases which would normally be distinguished as cases of non-violence .
27 He was frightened , despite the encouraging winks of Deuce and the occasional smile from Doug ; disoriented amid the tropical forest-sized plants , the silent , ceaseless escalators , the glass walls and lifts , the page boys in scarlet and green livery and all manner of sights which would normally have thrilled him and been companionable to his mind and stored for his sister .
28 Of course there remains a core of consistency which would normally outweigh by far the fluctuations .
29 As a result , marine creatures such as molluscs which would normally feed on blue-greens and keep them in check , can not survive .
30 In addition , although the motor cortex is highly active , generating activity which would normally result in movement , these commands do not reach the muscles controlling the limbs , but are " switched off " at a relay station at the top of the spinal column , so that we are effectively paralysed during REM sleep .
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