Example sentences of "[be] rule out " in BNC.

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1 The variety is enormous but many can be ruled out in not satisfying all the requirements .
2 But if we are to move towards the maximum recycling of plastics , and the maximum environmental benefit , then food packaging should not be ruled out .
3 And it can not be ruled out that even higher interest rates - whatever the political consequences — would be used in the last resort .
4 Mr Jack Adams , chairman of the union side , said that action would have to take place within a 28-day period from yesterday 's anouncement or it would be ruled out of order .
5 A violent struggle for economic and political control can not be ruled out .
6 The Soviet Union is falling to pieces ; a bloody struggle for those pieces can not be ruled out .
7 He supposed that Mr Cottle could not be ruled out as a suspect , but he hardly seemed a likely killer .
8 So , too , is the risk that an overcooked spinners ' pitch may be ruled out of order and points deducted at umpires ' question time .
9 An agreement on a method for choosing between perfectionist principles can not be ruled out on the grounds that the methods of evaluating different ideals are themselves subject to evaluative controversy .
10 There was no evidence for sparking , says Pilling , but it can not be ruled out .
11 Notwithstanding some products marketed as sanitisers can be effective disinfectants when used as such and the use of sanitisers in some circumstances should not be ruled out .
12 But crucially , although oppressive confessions may be ruled out , the Act goes on to provide that the fact ‘ that a confession is wholly or partly excluded … shall not affect the admissibility in evidence of any facts discovered as a result of the confession ’ .
13 Indeed , the possibility that he may actually have known Rodrigo can not be ruled out , and offers a tantalizing possibility that we may be reading a first-hand account .
14 It is intended that the system of Special Discounts should continue in subsequent years , although the percentage discount and the rules by which policies will qualify may vary from year to year and the possibility can not be ruled out that circumstances may arise which would make it inappropriate to grant any Special Discount at all .
15 While some genetic influence can not be ruled out , just what is inherited remains very unclear .
16 This has to be ruled out when the movement of the glass begins to make sense of letters , and even phrases .
17 This can generally be ruled out when answers or messages include private details known only to one participant .
18 ( The other member of the fusion club , the Soviet Union , seems to be ruled out of the project ) .
19 Your failing to note that two periods of years were involved is a serious omission , Another serious omission relates to the quotation attributed to Mr Parrish that ‘ a decrease [ in harp seal population ] can not be ruled out ’ .
20 Peter Taylor , of the Political Ecology Research Group , has already pointed out the above-average numbers of cases of leukaemia in Barrow , Cumberland and Westmoreland , although he says ; ‘ Any link to the pattern of 1957 fallout can be ruled out because of the very low doses and the nature of the radioactivity . ’
21 Firstly , the possibility of any organic illness must be ruled out .
22 It was films depicting behaviour which seemed perverse or deviant which were seen as more suitable for private therapy than for public consumption , since the possibility of harm to at least a proportion of the wider public could not be ruled out .
23 ‘ I 'm afraid that ca n't be ruled out . ’
24 The first four months of 1993 could be a tricky time for family relationships and an acrimonious parting of the ways can not be ruled out — even if it is just a temporary estrangement .
25 EC demands for over-detailed labelling on food products , meddling in consumer rights and unnecessary rules on food safety , are all to be ruled out .
26 Such a move would probably be ruled out even if we were not members of the exchange rate mechanism .
27 Andrew Benson , an analyst at BZW , believes a postponement of the demerger can not be ruled out .
28 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
29 Previously the possibility that Honda viewed the links as only short-term could not be ruled out .
30 Some of the gold , however , was clearly derived from an ultrabasic source ; local higher-level epithermal mineralisation can not be ruled out , but seems unlikely .
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