Example sentences of "[be] among the " in BNC.

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1 According to US officials , the technical problems involved in making the rouble a convertible currency will be among the issues discussed by Mr Greenspan during his trip .
2 The 10-roomed priory was converted into a house in Tudor times , and has medieval wall paintings , including a larger-than-life size crucifixion scene and a 30-ft long series of paintings dealing with the priory 's foundation , thought to be among the finest in Europe .
3 Mortgages hit family incomes more directly and forcibly than paying more for the Volkswagen or Sony video recorder which would be among the potentially inflationary effects of devaluation .
4 What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights !
5 You 've got to be ambitious , not necessarily for yourself , but for your company to be among the best in the world and you 've got to strive to get it there .
6 ‘ May I be among the first to offer my congratulations ? ’
7 Non-working wives with incomes from savings or investment will be among the main beneficiaries as they will be able to receive tax free income or interest equivalent to their personal allowance .
8 Britain 's food was , is , and will continue to be among the best and safest in the world .
9 Otherwise , by the turn of the century , India will surely be among the world 's least literate countries .
10 Galatians 2.20 must be among the most marvellous words of the Bible : ‘ I have been crucified with Christ ; it is no longer I who live , but Christ who lives in me ; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . ’
11 As for soil types , hungry Norfolk sands or flinty Hampshire chalks must surely be among the droughtiest in the country .
12 Those traditional marching tunes of Ulster must be among the most stirring and spirited airs any child could wish for : the melodiousness of Derry 's Walls , the bravado of The Sash or , best of all , the sweet austerity of the pipes playing Rowan Tree or some of the gentler hymns as four/four marches .
13 In Nottingham the Hucknall and Robin Hood lines could be among the first to be ear-marked for sharing .
14 It is thought that Brent Walker 's Pubmaster and Devenish may be among the buyers .
15 Events of the past week have shown it is not likely to be among the major companies that total collapses will occur .
16 Tesco will be among the cheapest places to buy fresh turkey .
17 Many of the best-dressed seem to be among the most stressed .
18 Analysts believe Japanese companies are likely to be among the frontrunners and estimate the deal could raise between £50m and £100m .
19 He 'll never be among the winners ( top runners finish in about two hours 10 minutes ) , but he likes to complete a marathon in under four hours 25 minutes .
20 The insurance group itself will be among the banking and shipping tenants with damage claims as it retained a 20 per cent stake in the building .
21 But his workload makes him susceptible to fluid depletion and liable to be among the 35 per cent of marathon runners who suffer knee damage .
22 ( Pavarotti , Domingo and Carreras will be among the musical turns . )
23 The weakness in passenger traffic , which fell 8 p.c last year , and operating losses have not prevented the airline from launching the most successful expansion programme among European airlines so far , in a bid to be among the few groups which are expected to survive deregulation over the next few years .
24 This was not an area I was likely to visit but , nevertheless , my poor mother , hearing the report on the wireless , was sure that I must be among the casualties !
25 But Ichkeul is also acknowledged , now , to be among the world 's most threatened wetlands .
26 That they 'd be among the lucky ones .
27 Nonindividualistic conceptions are likely to be among the expensive tastes since their realization depends on the cooperation of others , and they will take some convincing to come round to the agent 's point of view .
28 ‘ But , for practical purposes , our work has to be among the very poor . ’
29 He will be among the chemical manufacturers .
30 After take-off Beaton surveyed his surroundings : ‘ Silk-lined walls , arm chairs like Pullmans , various compartments for eating , sleeping , smoking — this is the aircraft that took Churchill to America … how grateful I am to be among the lucky ones on the last lap for home . ’
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