Example sentences of "[be] [art] doubt " in BNC.

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1 There can be no doubt that the climate of Japan imposed on her artists a different attitude towards art problems .
2 There can be no doubt that he had an ear for what such people have to say for themselves .
3 The shortest stories in Greyhound for Breakfast owe a lot to Kafka 's briefer parables , though they are apt to be more difficult to understand ; and there can be no doubt that Beckett 's solipsistic tramps have left an impression on the earlier writings .
4 Also , there can be no doubt that the South would intervene in the North on behalf of the catholic — nationalist minority if Britain withdrew and civil war broke out .
5 From the point of view of the issue of law , there can be no doubt as to the influence both of the constitution of 1937 in the period following its enactment and of the influence of Roman catholic teaching on legislation prior to that date .
6 There can be no doubt that the lack of such a programme bore heavily upon the poor , and that poor health and mortalities were a consequence .
7 There could be no doubt at all that he was dead .
8 There can be no doubt that something of this sort took place at this time in Montreal , and that it forms one of the subconscious inputs in the growing boy 's development , along with the high family traditions and the significance of his names .
9 There can be no doubt that he was devoted to his father — his first book , published 13 years later , was dedicated ‘ To the memory of my father : Nathan B. Cohen ’ and there are a number of references to him in Leonard 's work .
10 Professor Pacey referred to Layton as ‘ a poet of revolutionary individualism , ’ and there can be no doubt that that individualism was a common tie , and not merely religiously but in every way .
11 Both laws are derived from observations and there can be no doubt about their empirical credentials .
12 However much some people at Cambridge disapproved of him , there can be no doubt of Heath 's high professional competence in the understanding of structuralism and poststructuralism .
13 Nevertheless , if we say not ‘ dog ’ but ‘ My — dog-Rover-with — the — white — spots- and — the-stumpy-tail ’ , there can be no doubt that we intend not only a specific but a unique reference .
14 In practice , binary oppositions are very liable to favour one term at the expense of the other , and there can be no doubt that Bakhtin preferred the dialogic to the monologic ( a bias that is evident in everyday English , where to engage in dialogue is good , and to utter a monologue is rather bad ) .
15 There can be no doubt that the PhD , no longer seen as a sign of unusually high scholarly achievement , has become simply a certificate of professional competence , and that intellectual standards have declined accordingly .
16 ‘ There can be no doubt now that one member , one vote ballots will become compulsory . ’
17 So let there be no doubt .
18 But in relative terms there can be no doubt that British broadcasting comes close to the Public Service Ideal while the British press comes nowhere near it .
19 There can be no doubt that in many African states this status has been consciously sought by leaders who have promoted it through the nature of their public appearances and prestige investments .
20 There can be no doubt that the ‘ whole man ’ Lewis moved from a position of atheism in his undergraduate years to an acceptance in the early 1930s of ‘ mere Christianity ’ .
21 To anyone who knew Lewis in the second half of his life , and remarked his preference for boys ' books such as R. M. Ballantyne or Captain Marryat over the so-called ‘ moderns ’ , there can be no doubt that he was here addressing a warning not just to his brother but to himself .
22 However little his colleagues liked Lewis 's activities as a lay evangelist , there can be no doubt about his tremendous impact on the church of his day .
23 States do n't advertise such intentions , but there can be no doubt that Syria , for one , is working overtime on a means of killing the general .
24 There can be no doubt that the momentum in favour of German unity , as one state or a confederation , has been growing in East Germany .
25 He rang me last night , very kindly , principally I think to assure me that there could be no doubt .
26 Historically there seems to be no doubt that the English Common Law required nothing for the celebration of a marriage beyond the declared agreement of the parties , which might take the form either of a declaration of present intention , or of a promise to marry followed by actual union .
27 Such a system of registration has been found to work well in other countries , and there can be no doubt that it can , and will , be made universal with us .
28 There can be no doubt , however , that funerary liability was a powerful inducement to save ; it was estimated in 1843 that between one-quarter and one-third of all deposits in savings banks were intended to provide for ‘ a respectable funeral . ’
29 His speeches were , of course , dominated by the great foreign political issues of the year , but there can be no doubt that Hitler was deliberately steering clear of the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and that there was a continued conscious attempt to dissociate his public image from the seamier side of anti-Semitism visible in the renewed growing violence of Party activists .
30 Even though at best only partial success was attained in ‘ imposing ’ this image on the still unbroken socialist/communist and catholic subcultures , where there were strong ideological counters to acceptance of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , and on sections of the upper classes whose status-conscious élitism provided a continuing barrier to the appeal of populist leadership images , there can be no doubt that the penetration of the propagated ‘ Hitler myth ’ was deep , especially , but by no means only , among the German middle classes .
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