Example sentences of "[be] [art] subject " in BNC.

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1 And it should be noted that the actual breaking point for Raskolnikov in the novel is the illness which induces his apocalyptic science-fiction nightmare of germs and Possessed -type madness and destruction , bringing him literally to Sonya 's feet and both of them to ‘ the dawn of a new future , of a full resurrection into a new life ’ which will be the subject of another story .
2 In practice , initial drafts of rules will be the subject of ongoing discussions between all four parties .
3 Others would be the subject of reports to the Director of Public Prosecutions and the authorities .
4 The plan notes ‘ some lines may be the subject of bus substitution proposals to provide local transport at lower cost ’ .
5 To hell with the GOOD TALKERS , those pugnacious interviewees all set to give ‘ sleepy ’ pop the kick in the pants it deserves — pop beauty should be the subject of dumbfoundedness , the breakdown of schematics .
6 On the list of its early members are such notable names as Robert Boyle , popularly remembered now for his work on the expansion of gases , Christopher Wren , the architect of St Paul 's Cathedral , John Evelyn , the diarist , John Locke ( who will be the subject of the next chapter of this book ) , Robert Hooke , remembered now for his work on elasticity , and , perhaps the most famous of all , Isaac Newton .
7 During Mark 's absence in Spain , ‘ the mole ’ Fred Klepner had spent countless hours going over the Ten Year Business plan which was to be the subject of the presentation Mark was to give to Nate Cocello at the next Planning Committee meeting .
8 The splendidly ornate style and the wealth of carvings in the soft-tinted stone were to be the subject of a poem .
9 Such a reformulated qualified defence would not encompass cases of excessive self-defence , since they may involve a genuine and unhurried misjudgment of the amount of force permissible , and so they would have to be the subject of a separate qualified defence .
10 With COSHH in place and environmental pressures growing , there seems little doubt that spray transfer will be the subject of fresh UK regulations before too long .
11 At about the same time the barons of Bedfordshire paid £200 ‘ for the disafforestment of that part of Bedfordshire which Henry I first afforested ’ — a definition which was to be the subject of future contention .
12 COACH travellers are to be the subject of a study to find out what causes motion sickness among passengers in road vehicles .
13 The JPs , who spent the rest of the day hearing other cases , will now be the subject of an inquiry by the Lord Chancellor 's Office .
14 Collective defence continued to be the subject of considerable discussion in Western Europe , in 1958 , and it was proposed , at Brussels , to create a new force by combining the western military forces in some way .
15 Patrick 's recovery , soon to be the subject of an article in the Lancet , was now , as Ludens pointed out to Gildas , in danger of being taken for granted by them all .
16 At first sight a matter of user opinion , assessment of convenience is more involved and should be the subject of objective rather than subjective analysis by a technique known as decision path analysis ( DPA ) .
17 It is quite possible that the legislation enacted to give effect to the decision ( the Interception of Communications Act 1985 ) will be the subject of another application under the Convention .
18 Yet judicial scrutiny has been expressly excluded : first by denying the courts the power to question decisions of the Tribunal , and secondly and more importantly by denying the courts the power to refuse to admit evidence obtained as a result of illegal or improper interceptions. ( a ) The exclusive jurisdiction of the Tribunal It is a general principle of English law that the decisions of inferior tribunals ( such as social security appeal tribunals , industrial tribunals , or immigration appeal tribunals ) should be the subject of appeal to the higher courts .
19 Exceptionally the statutes creating these bodies may omit to provide for an appeal in which case the decisions of the tribunals in question may be the subject of review by the High Court , and if the decisions reveal an error of law they may be quashed by what is known as an order of certiorari .
20 [ T ] he purpose of the United States base was to monitor the movements of Soviet submarines ; in the event of hostilities breaking out , the base would be the subject of a nuclear strike , with resulting devastation in the area , including to the property of the applicant , her friends and neighbours .
21 The Highlands and Islands Integrated Development Programme in the UK has its equivalent in the Lozere department but no IDP exists in the Auvergne and the implications for nature conservation of these programmes would have to be the subject of a specific study when their impact is clearer .
22 The breed was one of the first to be the subject of a government conservation programme and a five-year scheme was set up in 1976 ; by 1979 there were 80,000 animals .
23 This course of action will avoid the possibility of the interest coming to light at a later stage causing the councillor to be the subject of criticism that his view of the public issue was thereby influenced .
24 Because temper tantrums , aggression and verbal abuse often feature in children 's reactions to being thwarted , they will be the subject of my discussions on how to cope more effectively .
25 The two offices would be on a ‘ similar site adjoining Charles Street , of which the Government was now in possession , with the exception of a very small portion indeed ’ , which would be the subject of another Bill to be introduced to Parliament .
26 The delegation continued to be the subject of a heated correspondence in the journals for some weeks after the event .
27 The choice of buffer distance would need to be the subject of some experiment .
28 The head is quite likely also to be the subject of any grievance .
29 John Madge made a useful distinction between various sorts of people who may be the subject for the sociologist 's interview .
30 Predation is both the most important cause of death in small mammal faunas and the cause of their greatest modification , and this will be the subject of the following two chapters .
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