Example sentences of "[be] [art] matter " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What on earth can be the matter with me ? ’ he cried again like a man utterly lost .
2 But the greatest dilemma would be the matter of how small a fish is eligible for weighing in ?
3 They jumped down and ran to see what could be the matter with him .
4 There will also be the matter of a marriage licence . ’
5 it would be the matter that would have been raised at our board meeting and relayed on
6 . Girls looked at Sally curiously , whatever could be the matter with her she sounded so queer .
7 There may be a matter of principle here for some of those who wish their authors to be concealed : such authors should not sound like the characters they invent , any more than they should express opinions .
8 And a production should not just be a matter of getting a good notice and leaving it to go to seed slowly .
9 This means that in most cases it is more likely to be a matter of relaxing the forward pressure to allow the aircraft to level out rather than pulling it out with a positive backward pressure on the stick .
10 It will be a matter of making a good landing directly into wind , if that is possible , and of hoping for a minimum of damage to the glider .
11 But landing safely in torrential rain , with a squally and unpredictable wind , can only be a matter of luck for the most skilled pilot .
12 ‘ But without the resumption of a regular supply of red iron , it can only be a matter of time before these tragic people die . ’
13 Exactly why he chose not to proceed will be a matter for debate in financial and footballing circles for some time .
14 Whether this lopsided record and Stewart 's stewardship is more than just coincidental will be a matter for the Test and County Cricket Board to discuss when his contract comes up again next April .
15 This will not be a matter of one-way giving , even though the suburban church has most of the material resources .
16 Whether then Berlin became the national capital would be a matter for the German people to decide .
17 The West Germans believe that the PFLP-GC was not involved in the bombing , even though Talb 's links with it appear to be a matter of record .
18 Then it will be a matter of finding the best returns , taking advantage of the already fierce competition between banks and building societies .
19 But whether she plays well appears to be a matter of chance .
20 It would only be a matter of ti me before the pubs , the little grocer and the dry-cleaner 's were replaced by some establishment selling something on which an enormous mark-up could be obtained .
21 It will be a matter of surprise for us if there were no fatal injuries .
22 It is open to the obvious objection that it focuses on an outcome which may be a matter of pure chance : if such driving happens not to result in death , the charge will merely be drunken driving .
23 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
24 Only the defeat of Britain — now widely presumed to be a matter of course — stood in the way , it seemed , of that final victory , and the intoxication of the triumph over the French mingled with a widespread desire , whipped up by almost hysterical anti-British hate propaganda , for the total destruction of Britain .
25 Now , as Scotland 's religious and political position came to be a matter of major concern to France and England , they fully grabbed the chance to enter the world of European politics , and to behave like those who already inhabited it .
26 GLENYS KINNOCK said in Scotland during the week : ‘ I think abortion has to be a matter of individual conscience .
27 Asked whether , if the Tories lost the vote , the Queen would call for Mr Kinnock to form a government , Mr Heseltine said : ‘ That would be a matter for the Royal prerogative . ’
28 It sounds a desperate measure ; but if it 's happening in California , it can only be a matter of months before it takes off here .
29 A higher proportion of the CSW team 's notional ‘ elderly ’ time was devoted to work with people not yet clients , or ‘ not exactly ’ clients ( whether they were regarded as open cases or not seemed to be a matter of chance ) .
30 Should this be achieved , the frequently cited fear of many parents of not being able to look after their children when they are old would cease to be a matter of concern .
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