Example sentences of "[be] [art] result " in BNC.

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1 What looks like a dead end may only be the result of personal weakness .
2 Nor , more abstractedly , could it be the result of a perspective on the informational content of the brain ; for , in either case , the perspective would have to be the occurrence of some further brain or informational state and to both of these the scientist has complete access , and the problem reoccurs .
3 Even those who most strongly advocate their use as research tools would admit that we do not know exactly what neural processes generate them and that any particular fluctuation will be the result of a multiplicity of different kinds of changes occurring in several different and possibly independent systems .
4 What Bartlett and Ghoshal refer to as the global company is alleged to be the result of Japanese practice developed in the 1960s and 1970s .
5 Changes in these attitudes and practices will be the result of a long political process which will certainly take more than a century to work out , and even then will probably compress the time which it took Europe to work through comparable processes .
6 Higher body temperatures in the daytime could be the result of our greater activity when it is light , with muscle effort producing the increased heat .
7 IT MUST be the result of all that western decadence and spiritual pollution : the Chinese like sex .
8 Travel sickness is known to be the result of repetitive movements on the organ of balance in the inner-ear , but very little is known about the types of movements responsible and the types of people who suffer most .
9 ‘ Increases in the practice of dieting must not be the result .
10 By the same token , I can not help wondering what will be the result of a survey among half the 2,500 members of the British Psychological Society to establish how many of them have had sexual relations with their clients .
11 These are thought by researchers to be the result of low calcium and magnesium and high aluminium in the brain .
12 Characteristics of groups , like the characteristics of species , are thus considered by most theorists today to be the result of the selection of genes as they manifest themselves in the individuals comprising populations ( G. C. Williams 1966 ; Lewontin 1970 ; E. O. Wilson 1975 ) .
13 Mexico has one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the world , which appears to be the result of the coincidence of traditional and modern advertisement-inspired modes of behaviour .
14 Like habituation , therefore , latent inhibition can be the result of both associative and non-associative mechanisms , since the A2 state can be established both directly ( as the after-effect of presentation of the stimulus itself ) and associatively ( by presentation of contextual cues ) .
15 Clearly any case of soil erosion must be the result of this interaction and any ceteris paribus assumption about these physical parameters would be absurd .
16 I feel , I know with a certainty that can not be the result of folly or misapprehension , that you and I must speak again .
17 Alasdair Gray 's Lanark gives evidence of the evolution of forms which may be the result .
18 Behaviour is constantly revealed as imitative of projected stereotypes or to be the result of disguise .
19 Attachment may be the result of friction , locking soil into irregularities in the surface or electrostatic attraction where soil and surface have opposite charges , or from chemical interaction between soil and surface made possible by a change of state of both at the interface .
20 Surpluses on a period of account should not be automatically lost , if they can be demonstrated to be the result of efficient working and not over budgeting , otherwise controllers will ensure that there are no surpluses .
21 Dirty conditions are more likely to be the result of management activities , or the lack of them , and the emphasis on ‘ trouble shooting ’ should reflect this .
22 This illusion of realism can be the result either of the text 's conformity to the rules of the genre ( which Todorov associates with classicism ) or with ‘ what readers believe is true ’ ( which he associates with naturalism ) .
23 Once the spirochaete which caused syphilis had been identified and Wassermann had invented the diagnostic reaction which perpetuates his name , the condition called general paralysis of the insane was recognized to be the result of a long-lasting infection .
24 He says that getting fatter may be the result of a build-up of eating even as little as 200 , 100 or 50 calories a day more than you expend as energy — over a period of months or years .
25 Derelict land may be derelict because some form of husbandry slowly became unremunerative … or the dereliction may be the result of exploitation … the land being later abandoned .
26 The census of 1991 may be affected by these processes and since the census returns will form the basis of some resource-allocation calculations , severe underestimation of the needs of some areas may be the result .
27 This can be the result of a loss of part of the DNA or the replacement of one or more of the four nucleotides by others .
28 The reason is not clear , but must be the result of some subtle change in the genetic information in the nucleus .
29 This difference is primarily an effect of the composition of the lava , but to a certain extent it may also be the result of the high proportion of phenocrysts present in the lava .
30 Negative attitudes to ageing may , in part , be the result of the time lag between social change and a change in people 's attitudes .
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