Example sentences of "[be] [art] certain " in BNC.

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1 There can be no certain answer in law to these problems …
2 If this is the way things go , there would be a certain art-historical justice in it .
3 If everybody knows everybody else and they all go to the same parties , then there is bound to be a certain unanimity , if not in their judgements at least in their objects of attention .
4 This code , which is still adhered to , specifies that roofs must be made of slate , all woodwork must be white , and walls must be built in local stone or rendered white ; it also specifies that houses must be a certain distance apart .
5 It is a kind of brainwashing , because underneath the ad for the chocolate is another kind of message , saying you must be slim , heterosexual , white ; you have to be a certain class , have money .
6 The waters from here were reputed to be a certain cure for ‘ the itch ’ , as well as curing dogs of the mange .
7 There needs to be a certain amount of mutual toleration , sensitivity and good humour shown .
8 When graded tests are used for subjects that are squarely part of the ‘ core curriculum ’ , maths , sciences , languages , and English , there may be a certain reluctance to introduce such a system .
9 Whereas people once felt that there must be a certain desperation in answering magazine ‘ lonely heart ’ advertisements or in going along to a dating bureau , nowadays these channels are seen as a practical way of finding a new friend or suitable lover .
10 There must also be a certain transparent suspense about our sexual relations .
11 As it happens , there 'd be a certain rough justice if I got a wage from it .
12 There should be a certain lusciousness about the style imparted to a blend by top quality Pinot Noir grapes , although this can be marred by an earthy taste if the vines are grown in a less than favourable site .
13 Now would seem to be a good time to buy PCs , but there could well be a certain amount of hassle before your new wonder computer is up and running properly .
14 A change of residence might be welcome , but there will be a certain amount of stress and some nail-biting moments attached to it .
15 It is nigh on impossible to get the mirror and glass completely clean , so you will have to make a slight compromise by accepting that there will always be a certain amount of dust caught between the two layers of glass , due to static electricity .
16 In his influential Le Même et l'autre Vincent Descombes has described the entire history of twentieth-century philosophy in France as a succession of moves which attempt to get out of this Hegelian dialectic : the recent phenomenon of poststructuralism is part of a long philosophical story and distinguished only by what appears to be a certain success , or at least an avoidance of failure to the extent that it has at least managed to keep the game with Hegel in play .
17 There may be a certain exaggeration in the statement that Napoleon had offered a reward for the taking of ‘ the English incendiary ‘ Kvinn or Quin ’ who had been responsible for the burning of three French battleships in the Gulf of Villefranche last year ’ but the sixteen year-old 's behaviour while in prison in Toulon is entirely in keeping with what we know about him :
18 When Eliot heard that Wyndham Lewis had been travelling around North Africa in a thick English suit , he remarked , " Lewis was always a heavily dressed man " ; and of a lady who had acquired too many petrol coupons during the first year of the war , he said , " There is always bound to be a certain element of iniquity in these matters " .
19 There is bound to be a certain tension between employer and employee over wages and conditions .
20 We can say , though , that with the at least partial collapse of the modernist perspective , there appears to be a certain potency in the post-modernist position , which takes the dominant system as given and proposes as method of critique the fragment : subversion takes the form of ‘ guerrilla activity ’ which exploits fissures and forgotten spaces within the hegemonic structure .
21 There seems to be a certain convention that governs what goes on .
22 ‘ She means there can be a certain quality to the rotten , ’ Edward said .
23 I had never been as stubborn or single-minded about anything else , or as insistent that things had to be a certain way .
24 It has to be a certain size it has be flying
25 Well then he started at , in a factory there at with er more modern machines , but the factory was too cold , a factory has to be a certain heat to work the lace machines properly .
26 Now there would be a certain logic in this incorporation , for , if we were to have a Bill of Rights enforced in Britain , then in a situation in which we have ratified the European Convention it would be difficult for us to bypass these rights and draw up a completely new set .
27 There has to be a certain brittleness and poor design to begin with .
28 There must be a certain minimum amount of uncertainty , or quantum fluctuations , in the value of the field .
29 To which he uttered the classic comment , in the more than usually low drawl he employed for such deliverances : ‘ There 's always bound … to be a certain amount of iniquity … in these matters ’ .
30 There does seem to be a certain amount of evidence that men and women have different styles of speech in the English language .
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