Example sentences of "[that] whatever the " in BNC.

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1 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
2 Opponents of membership , such as the Prime Minister , argue that whatever the right level of entry it is at least necessary to reduce inflation to the European average of roughly 3-4 per cent .
3 It will be seen , therefore , that whatever the state of the pound Mrs Thatcher is in no danger from the constituencies .
4 Mr Soames said that whatever the state of liberalisation elsewhere in Europe , the French market was moving at a pheneomenal rate .
5 The only good thing about the extreme cold of the water , I thought , was that whatever the damage , the blood loss was being minimised .
6 But it seems that whatever the century or means of transport , parking is always a problem : in the seventh century BC Sennacharib , King of Assyria , decreed that anyone who parked a chariot on the processional way to his capital would be punished by impaling .
7 Ultimately , however , what may be needed is a set of proper procedural guides and guarantees which would ensure that whatever the legal rules may be , they are observed in practice 66
8 There is no way of knowing how representative these specific approaches were of the national system as it developed , but an examination of their administrative organization will show that whatever the theoretical differences between them , there was little to choose in terms of their objectives and procedures .
9 It was put repeatedly to the psychologist witnesses called by the defence that whatever the tests might say those present could form as good an impression of Mr X 's intelligence from observing his behaviour in the witness box .
10 In one way , of course , Nick had been quite right when he had said that whatever the truth it made no difference .
11 Mr Starr said the RSSPCC ensured that whatever the children needed in terms of safety and freedom , they would get .
12 That whatever the Laudas were , they are not , in Niki 's hands , the same ?
13 We shall have more to say about this in the next chapter : it was to produce a quite bewildering variety of ‘ reconstructions ’ of Jesus ' personality and history , having for the most part only one thing in common — the conviction that whatever the truth about him might be , it was not the traditional Christian picture of him .
14 Furthermore , detailed studies of company performance indicate that whatever the claims and expectations expressed before a merger they were not generally realised subsequently [ Meeks , 1977 ] .
15 Suger and Odo of Deuil between them established the norms for the house 's long tradition of royal historiography ; of these the chief was that whatever the Capetians did should be presented in the most favourable light possible .
16 The Supreme Court expressly declined to address the issue of notification au parquet , merely observing that whatever the negotiating history had to teach about that , it was silent on involuntary agency .
17 Apart from the dimensions and shape of the pot , an important point to remember is that whatever the colour or decoration on the outside of the pots or jars used for potted meats , the inside should be of a pale colour and preferably white , so that the delicate creams and pinks of the contents with their layer of yellow butter look fresh and appetizing against their background .
18 In Ghani v. Jones ( C.A. , 1970 ) Lord Denning suggested ( obiter ) that whatever the initial justification for the investigation , if the police happen on evidence of a totally unrelated offence , it might be reasonable to seize it , taking into account such factors as : ( a ) the fact that the material was the fruit of crime , the instrument by which the crime was committed or otherwise material evidence ; ( b ) the seriousness of the crime ( c ) the unreasonableness of the refusal to hand over the evidence .
19 We do not believe that whatever the situation had been , if the switch was flipped , the wipers would have started .
20 The successes of molecular biology are sufficiently striking to show that whatever the true relation of biology may be to physics , it is certainly a subtle one that can not be encapsulated in a single word .
21 In this light , the view of Lodge , that whatever the novelist " does , qua novelist , he does in and through language " , is an attractive but slightly misleading truism .
22 Trade , technical and professional magazines ; There are more magazines in this group than in the consumer group and it is safe to say that whatever the trade , profession or industry there will be a publication to deal with it .
23 It is clear that whatever the future of palmtop multimedia , the technology on which it will be based must , for the foreseeable future , rely on optical storage .
24 Secondly , that whatever the words of the statute may suggest , the conflict with Code C and with a long established ‘ right of silence ’ is so acute that , whatever the statute may appear to say , it must be understood as subject to an implied exception in the case of persons who have been charged .
25 This leads to the applicant 's second ground for supporting the judgment under appeal , namely that whatever the words of the Act may mean , they must be understood as qualified by a tacit exception , preserving the ancient right of silence in its particular manifestation of the immunity from being asked questions after charge , previously embodied in the Judges ' Rules and carried forward into paragraph 16.5 of Code C.
26 But , more than anybody , Powell recognised that whatever the business opportunities Event presented , it was also Branson 's way of exorcising the journalistic instincts — the excitement of chasing stories and airing issues — which had been thwarted by the failure of Student .
27 It 's just that whatever the reality of your condition verifying it will constitute a kind of catharsis — do you know what that means ? ’
28 Make up your mind that whatever the short-term temptations may be , you will never deviate from the highest standards of honour .
29 The advantage of a Center Parcs break , however , is that whatever the weather you can bask in the centre 's sun-tropical ‘ Swimming Paradise ’ where the temperature is maintained at a constant 84°F .
30 It can reasonably be anticipated that whatever the addictive disease there will be an appropriate or near-appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
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