Example sentences of "[not/n't] necessarily [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This corresponds to what the Court of Appeal had evolved in its sentencing practices as the spontaneous kind of affray , which did not necessarily attract particularly
2 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
3 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
4 History shows that the long-term effect of altering the price of motorised travel does not necessarily affect the amount of money people and organisations spend on transport .
5 The fact that one of the parties is a public body does not necessarily affect the nature of the dispute or the law applicable to it .
6 As Professor Goode has pointed out , the fact that the charge has crystallised will affect the relationship between the chargee and the company but it does not necessarily affect a third party since if the company is left free to deal with the assets in the normal course of its business then the chargee should be estopped from denying the company 's authority to do so .
7 This will not necessarily affect the annual charges on property where the trustees are resident outside the United Kingdom under paragraph 12 ( 2 ) of Schedule 5 .
8 One can not necessarily assume that the operation of market principles per se will automatically lead to efficiency .
9 The police would not necessarily assume that the bones in the graveyard were of people who had lived at Wyvis Hall , nor that those who had brought about their deaths had lived there .
10 A different reader will spot them quickly , and newspapers and publishers employ people one of whose jobs it is to pick out the " literals " ( slips ) made by writers , typists and typesetters : readers do not necessarily assume that the editor or journalist ca n't spell if they find a printing error .
11 For example , if an employee writes a computer program to help with his work but he is not employed as a computer programmer , his job is not to write computer programs and an employer can not necessarily assume that he owns the copyright in that particular program .
12 The twin foundations for the standard advocated were that statutory terms do not necessarily possess only one inevitably correct meaning and that , in choosing between a range of possible reasonable interpretations , the precise meaning attached by the tribunal may be preferable to that of the court .
13 This is designed for those applicants who may not necessarily possess any of the qualifications usually presented by mature students , but who show evidence of appropriate achievement either in a related professional field or through other types of intellectual endeavour .
14 For days now there had been no news from France , evidence that the Emperor had forbidden all traffic over the border , but that silence did not necessarily suggest an immediate invasion , but rather the concealment of exactly where the French forces concentrated .
15 All this does not necessarily suggest that Gillray was rejecting his previous attitudes , including his early support for the French Revolution .
16 Customs and beliefs deriving from a pagan past may have been frowned upon , but they did not necessarily exclude their adherents from the community of Christians .
17 In conclusion , the results of this study indicate that biliary tract calculi may complicate the course of otherwise typical primary sclerosing cholangitis and therefore their presence should not necessarily exclude the diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis .
18 The policy as expressed does not necessarily exclude development outside the area specified but directs development areas as a primary consideration .
19 Although increased cellular proliferation does not necessarily relate to carcinogenesis , some researchers have suggested the use of increased cellular proliferation as a marker of cancer risk in man and since some dietary fibres have been shown to increase colonic cellular proliferation and to increase tumour yield in nimal models of colon cancer the effect of fermentable fibre on cellular proliferation may be a cause of concern .
20 The keyword LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE does not necessarily relate to the CHECKED-BY keyword in the MODIFICATIONS-RECORDS field of the module referenced , but is purely for the user 's information .
21 Quinn sees large companies as similar to large rivers slowly moving in given directions , but containing within them various ebbs , flows and eddies which , while they do not necessarily contribute in any direct analytical way to the general direction , nevertheless in aggregate help to determine it .
22 An ability to help bring a child into the world and care for it does not necessarily create a good parent .
23 However , this does not necessarily create problems for understanding any greater than those present in speech , as Deuchar suggests .
24 That does not necessarily create any problem for doctors or hospitals .
25 ( 2 ) Straight or curved lines that radiate from a common centre , but do not necessarily pass through it .
26 ‘ People who feel suicidal do not necessarily want to die .
27 This may involve telling them what they may not necessarily want to hear .
28 In many service businesses there is a growing number of people who do not necessarily want to progress in traditional career terms .
29 Nor do I try to get in touch with Lord Mountbatten , and I would not necessarily want to .
30 If in addition we require that the production function is said to satisfy the Inada ( 1963 ) conditions , but we do not necessarily want to impose these restrictions .
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