Example sentences of "[not/n't] affect the " in BNC.

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1 In a comparison of the administration of AZT to infected people before and after the appearance of AIDS , early treatment was found not to affect the eventual outcome , but merely to postpone the rapid decline of CD4 cells in the blood .
2 In moderate amounts , it is not troublesome , but for dyeing work it may be desirable to keep the concentration reasonably constant so as not to affect the rate of dyeing .
3 The wrongful act of the son in intercepting those letters , which could not have been anticipated by the creditor , was held not to affect the creditor so as to prevent it from enforcing the charge .
4 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
5 The number of deaths for which this is likely to be true is so small that it ought not to affect the analysis presented here .
6 However , an assurance was given that , in order not to affect the living standards of those on low incomes , a list of 100 key products and services would be drawn up whose prices would be kept unchanged .
7 The Act is an enabling one and does not affect the existing system unless the leadership of the churches wish to co-operate in a reshaping of the system or of schools in any particular area .
8 When it was discovered that a member of the Immigration Department was in the National Front his seniors merely glossed over it , saying that he was not a permanent member and in any case it did not affect the way he carried out his duties .
9 Even so , giving bright light at a time which should not affect the body clock or even adjust it in the wrong direction could be tested — as has already been described .
10 Keep the opened jar in the refrigerator ; the tomatoes are packed in olive oil which may become cloudy , but this will not affect the flavour .
11 Many of them will not have been earning enough to pay national insurance , so will not qualify for unemployment benefit — and will not affect the unemployment statistics .
12 Note that devaluation does not affect the cost , measured in foreign currency , of capital or material inputs ; in an open economy , these will command their world-market price .
13 Both Judge Holland and Charles Cole , Alaska 's attorney-general , insist that rejection of the criminal fine need not affect the larger civil settlement .
14 They might be wrong , but that does not affect the issue ( not at the time of the bid , anyway ) .
15 Not really ; the time period over which the returns are expected to arrive should not affect the investors ' overall requirements .
16 Moreover , modern legislation has made possible ( within limits ) the creation of an irrevocable power of attorney , so that even knowledge of the principal 's death or insanity will not affect the validity of acts done under it .
17 Fashioning and firing a pot does not affect the clay composition but care must be taken , since potters frequently mix additives into clay to prepare it , and burial of pottery in the ground has some slight effects on its composition .
18 There is , however , another dimension to the debate , and this appears from the CLRC 's view that , where reckless driving causes death , this should not affect the label of the offence but may be treated as an aggravating factor in sentencing in appropriate cases .
19 Rescheduling the £950 million of debt does not affect the British Heron Corporation subsidiary .
20 The Stock Exchange 's exoneration does not affect the Serious Fraud Office 's investigation into Maxwell share-support schemes and the report does not cover transactions outside the period named .
21 It 'll not affect the shops or the trams or nothin' , so do n't you worry my pet lamb … but would n't it be exciting ? ’
22 The consignment note shall contain a great number of particulars specified in the CMR Convention but the absence , irregularity or loss of the consignment note does not affect the existence of validity of the contract of carriage which shall remain subject to the CMR Convention .
23 This change in the manufacturing process does not affect the quality of the packaging or McDonald 's ability to serve customers with hot , fresh products .
24 Other mistakes do not affect the binding force of the directives .
25 But this liberality does not affect the argument .
26 The group details are then re-examined for surface materials that might rule out the preliminary choice because of corrosion problems and choice is modified by the addition or substitution of a chemical type that will not affect the surfaces involved .
27 The fact that other courses of enquiry were open to the police officer did not affect the reasonableness of his suspicion and the lawfulness of the detention .
28 But crucially , although oppressive confessions may be ruled out , the Act goes on to provide that the fact ‘ that a confession is wholly or partly excluded … shall not affect the admissibility in evidence of any facts discovered as a result of the confession ’ .
29 As before , in the first two situations controlling for the third variable will not affect the estimate of the causal effect of the type of job on absentee behaviour .
30 The fact that what is seen as crime varies with different societies does not affect the definition of crime — as an act which breaks the criminal law of the particular society .
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