Example sentences of "[not/n't] stand for " in BNC.

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1 The reshuffle was made easier by the decision of John Wakeham , formerly Energy Secretary , not to stand for re-election .
2 Reluctantly , Johnson accepted their advice , and on 31 March 1968 he made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to announce a fresh peace initiative , the reduction of bombing raids on North Vietnam , and his decision not to stand for re-election in November .
3 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
4 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
5 The Austrian Communist Party ( Kommunistische Partei Österreichs — KPÖ ) at its congress in Vienna on Jan. 20-21 , 1990 , accepted the decision of Franz Muhri , who had been chair for 25 years , not to stand for re-election .
6 Two days before the speech ( i.e. on Aug. 14 ) a petition signed by a group of 58 human rights activists , academics and retired armed forces officers had called on Suharto not to stand for a sixth term as President in 1993 .
7 On June 17 Roman announced his intention not to stand for President .
8 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
9 John Taylor says he thought long and hard before deciding not to stand for the Conservatives in Cheltenham again .
10 He wanted them to gather last Friday and be absented from their weekend round of Championship matches , but even Albert Ferrasse , the autocratic French Federation president , would not stand for that .
11 The project proved impolitic : the public would not stand for it , so the Government discarded or diluted ideology to avoid unpopularity .
12 powerful local managers may not stand for centralised decision making .
13 Never , say the sceptics : the man does not stand for anything .
14 Since numerals do not stand for ‘ numbers in abstract ’ but for ‘ particular things numbered ’ , the misguided interest in the properties of such abstractions has really been a trifling concern with mere language or formalism .
15 The speed at which McCarthy gathered support stunned America and had the campuses screaming with delight , especially when , on 31 March , their arch-enemy Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not stand for re-election .
16 ( vi ) Bankrupts — an undischarged bankrupt can not stand for Parliament .
17 ( vii ) Persons guilty of a corrupt practice are disqualified from standing in any constituency for five years ; persons guilty of an illegal practice may not stand for five years in the constituency in which the offence was committed ( see above , pp.75–6 ) .
18 Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long .
19 I did not stand for the job ’ .
20 In Michael 's mind it was tantamount to mutiny and he would not stand for anyone disagreeing with him .
21 He replaces Berndt Schultz , the Fair 's founder , who did not stand for re-election .
22 She was quick to tell the world that Britain would not stand for anything which undermined the role of the queen , ‘ our beloved monarch ’ , or of our 700-year-old parliament .
23 Me , I 'd not stand for it . "
24 European leaders who had feared since Korea that America 's relentless anti-Communism would end in disaster gave Johnson little support and he did not stand for re-election in 1968 .
25 Kate would not stand for anything like that , she was too straight .
26 And he , Alexander Augustus Hope , Colonel , at your service , gentlemen , would not stand for another coarse word in her presence , DID THEY HEAR ?
27 The Official Secrets Act remains substantially intact , but it now has to be read with the additional defences available under the new legislation , happily with a pendant attached deriving from the Aitken case that juries will not stand for the use of oppressive legislation in cases of mild divulgence , and confidentiality has been confirmed as being available where secret information is breached without official justification .
28 He did not stand for re-election to the Parliament of 1780 ; but he was elected for Ripon in 1787 , and became a commissioner of the Board of Trade in 1788 .
29 The right hon. and learned Gentleman , the Leader of the House and all those on the Treasury Bench know that the people outside will not stand for this kind of activity — The Secretary of State is supposed to be listening .
30 Whilst the process of jury selection was still under way , Barry made a television address on June 13 in which he announced that he would not stand for re-election for a fourth term in November 1990 , but would serve the remainder of his current four-year term , due to expire on Jan. 2 , 1991 .
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