Example sentences of "[not/n't] apply [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Section 5(4) should be read as not applying to mistakes induced by the accused 's deception .
2 If the applicant is not applying for a grant there is no obligation to consult .
3 Not applying for a job with Hallmark cards , then , ’ I muttered to myself , sipping at my coffee .
4 Yo , you 're not applying for a job you are applying to erm go to Australia
5 in a family , you 're not applying for a job in a family , you 're applying work in a children in a group .
6 In some of the other source studies discounting was quite appropriately not applied as all costs and benefits occurred within a year .
7 Where , on the other hand , we have sense-qualification , the property of A is not applied as a property in itself to the entity identified by N ( nor are any referential and perceptual correlates of the intensional property to be looked for in the actual referent , if there is one , corresponding to that entity ) .
8 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
9 He may have been joking , but his fatalistic sentiment was in the sane vein as a cruel remark made as Davies 's men departed in triumph : ‘ We understood Eastbourne were the only team who have not applied for a postal vote in the General Election . ’
10 A prison source told TODAY last night : ‘ Courtney does not see himself as a sex offender so he has not applied for Category C status .
11 But half the ex-Yugoslavs who have come to Western Europe since the start of the Balkan fighting have not applied for asylum .
12 The father had not applied for a Medjay to guard his house , giving as his reason that he had efficient men of his own to do the job .
13 In the 16 years in which we have had our part of the legislation , we have applied for only 31 people to be tried in the Republic , of whom only 16 were convicted and the Irish Republic has not applied for any such cases at all .
14 The hon. Gentleman should ask Neath borough council why , when money has been available , it has not applied for anything in the past two years .
15 –here property has been settled on terms which provide for one or more beneficiaries to become entitled to an interest in possession in it on or before a specified age which does not exceed twenty-five but meantime no such interest in possession subsists and the income so far as not applied for maintenance education or benefit of any beneficiary is to be accumulated , neither a payment made out of the property nor the arising to a beneficiary of an interest in possession in it is to be treated as a chargeable transfer .
16 In the case of solicitors , as well as the usual provisions common to most businesses , specific restrictions may , for example , be desired : ( 1 ) in relation to the operation of bank accounts ( more particularly drawings and transfers from client and trust accounts ) ; ( 2 ) to prohibit a partner from carrying on investment business at any time when the firm has not applied for and obtained an Investment Business certificate from the Law Society ; and ( 3 ) in relation to professional undertakings made in the name of the firm , perhaps by requiring the consent of another partner ( if not all partners ) or notice to the other partners .
17 Such an aide-mémoire may not be necessary after six or 12 months of practice , but initially , it could be vital , for serious consequences can flow if a search is forgotten , or mortgage money is not applied for on time .
18 So far , the City Airport has not applied for building approval for new roads , or additional car parking which would be necessary for the move .
19 Most of those could be animals whose consignors have not applied for the special beef premium payment ( BSPS ) or which do not carry a CCD ( Cattle Control Document ) or passport .
20 Until late 1988 , whisky spirits in Japan faced a special tax which was not applied to other spirits .
21 The law of diminishing returns has not applied to food production in the countries which have undergone the industrial revolution , although there have been periodic crises , such as the Irish famine of 1845–6 , to remind us that Malthus was not completely wrong .
22 But such arguments are not applied to what is taught at school , though if we were sincere followers of J. S. Mill we should apply them .
23 If subcultures exist where there is a lack of acceptance , or where the prohibitions of ‘ crimes ’ are not applied to victims seen as ‘ outsiders ’ , then affective ties will be irrelevant to the control of crime .
24 The irony in the situation is that the real double standard involved in policing the area is not applied to white youth , but to their black counterparts .
25 Putting it in different words , the trick was not applied to the appellants ; they voluntarily applied themselves to the trick .
26 ‘ In the past , TUPE has not applied to MoD contracts , but now , following various European legal decisions , it is highly likely that in future it will .
27 It reported that West Germany was seeking to end restrictions on the export of digital switching equipment , civilian satellites and mobile radio networks to eastern Europe on grounds that restrictions on the export of these items had not applied to China since 1985 .
28 This depends on such considerations as whether the wider context includes an indication of negation or counterfactuality , and also on the lexical character of the verb with which the adjective is in immediate construction , since the property of the adjective is not applied to the entity in isolation but only as part of the property complex constituted by the adjective and the verb properties taken together .
29 It should be updated by but not applied to the order book , do you follow me .
30 And Sue said she 's got nothing in view apart from that and she said to her you must have alternatives , she 's not applied to anybody or enquired about anything
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