Example sentences of "[not/n't] speak for " in BNC.

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1 These animals can not speak for themselves .
2 ‘ I can not speak for the other 33 countries who are not here , but as for me , I would say if this happened in 1990 it would be good , ’ he added .
3 The Egyptians , while insisting that they do not speak for the Palestinians , appear ready to fudge the principle of PLO selection of the Palestinian delegation to ensure Israeli participation .
4 The Egyptians , while insisting that they do not speak for the Palestinians , appear ready to fudge the principle of PLO selection of the Palestinian delegation to ensure Israeli participation .
5 In reply , Sir Derek said that though he could not speak for other directors , ‘ my resignation has been available to the board from the day all this started .
6 Earlier Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader , hoped it would be demonstrated that Sir Nicholas did not speak for other Tories ‘ because the gutter language he used is not fit for anyone standing for a democratic party ’ .
7 The aim , of course , is to delegate decision making to a trusted and close friend or relative who the patient feels best knows him and will speak for him when he can not speak for himself .
8 Biddy did not speak for some time , and stood considering them in a way that made them all feel about half their usual size .
9 Roger Kenyon started slightly , but he did not speak for a moment .
10 But Rab could not speak for laughing .
11 I can not speak for other hypnotherapists , but for myself I do not think it is a good idea .
12 Bill Clinton , writhing amid the dilemma that most of his election campaign has been an attempt to persuade the white middle class that he does most emphatically not speak for the poor or the coloured , announced , after much shilly-shallying , that ‘ We have refused to confront our differences … and for this neglect , we have all paid . ’
13 However , though I can not speak for others , my three boys found it perfectly normal and natural .
14 I can not speak for them . ’
15 These animals can not speak for themselves .
16 I think it is very important for those outside America to understand that , like myself , the media and people of Los Angeles do not speak for the rest of the country .
17 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard also says that Menchu ‘ does not speak for the Mayan Indians of Guatemala ’ .
18 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
19 I can not speak for Tish , but I am painted out .
20 Because facts do not speak for themselves , analysts need a ‘ pre-theory ’ or conceptual apparatus to articulate their significance .
21 I do not speak for the Philippine health movement , rather these are my attempts to understand how both small-scale local initiatives and a national effort can alter the historical process which to date has left the majority of the 60 million Filipino people living in dire poverty in a land of plenty .
22 James Ross did not speak for a minute .
23 ‘ I can not speak for all here , but for myself I say this .
24 Cynthia could not speak for the sobs that now came from her throat .
25 I.The evidence does not speak for itself .
26 ‘ I can not speak for the gods , but for myself I say this .
27 I can not speak for Rhodesia .
28 Across central France , in the mairies of small towns , there was a tangible feeling that too much was being given to remote and unelected bureaucrats , that the political class did not speak for France .
29 I can not speak for others , such as those at the Survey of English Usage , who are doubtless still exploring the motorways of data opened up through this technique .
30 The count 's cold voice and his return to formality assured Maggie that he had seen this small action and now he sat beside her with a set look on his face that told her he might very well not speak for the whole of the journey .
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