Example sentences of "[not/n't] normally [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Surveys carried out for market research purposes can not normally cover the whole of the relevant population , so a representative sample of it has to be taken .
2 The car did not normally carry passengers , but its seats were used that season by a small orchestra which played selections from ‘ The Gondoliers ’ as it made its romantic way along the Promenade .
3 In practice , firms do not normally possess accurate information about the demand curves for their product .
4 In the current economic climate banks will not normally lend more than 50% of the value of invoices and may sometimes only be prepared to lend 20% to 30% .
5 We take particular care when approached for facilities by young people and do not normally lend to minors .
6 Although the issue of fraud trials was one in which Mrs Thatcher also took a personal interest , she did not normally intervene on the details of criminal policy .
7 Government should not normally intervene in the market 's decisions about the use to which assets should be put , since private decision-makers will usually seek ( and are usually the best placed to achieve ) the most profitable employment for their assets , and in competitive markets this will generally lead to the most efficient use of those assets , for the benefit of both their owners and the economy as a whole .
8 The V8 engine does not normally consume oil .
9 A clause which does not expressly mention conditions will not normally exclude liability for breach of condition .
10 Eva hastened to explain that she did not normally move in such exalted circles .
11 In recent years , minor enzyme deficiencies have been found in some people , which do not normally make them ill unless they take a particular medicinal drug .
12 These state that the trustees of the foundation ‘ do not normally make grants for … research involving animals ’ .
13 In Industrial Tribunals , the tribunal will not normally make an award of costs .
14 Smoking a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm .
15 The vast flocks of gulls at rubbish tips do not normally compete for food resources with other birds , but black-headed gulls do sometimes take advantage of other species ' food-finding skills .
16 Women could not normally inherit in other ancient Near Eastern countries , but in Israel the ruling is given that brotherless daughters may inherit .
17 The seller does not have to agree to this and if he does , that will not normally affect the operation of section 20 .
18 For the same reason , one does not normally restrict the denominator population to those who are of appropriate age and single . )
19 The broad effect of this is that a defect will normally be cured as against the administrator and liquidator ( since unsecured creditors will not normally rely on the register of charges ) but not against persons who acquire an interest ( who will normally rely on the register of charges ) .
20 After all , the weather does not normally stop you getting to work , playing golf , or getting on with the rest of your life .
21 For example , an asset such as land would not normally attract a depreciation charge but it would result in principal charges to revenue if it was financed by loan .
22 Mr Cattell said : ‘ Job cuts in the textile industry do not normally attract a lot of attention because it largely employs women , but textiles is a very important part of the North-East 's economy and a very important source of employment . ’
23 However , wearing armour prevents a Mage casting spells , so they do not normally do so .
24 However , if Wizards wear armour they are unable to cast spells , so they do not normally do so .
25 The homework assignment involves setting a task that they would not normally do .
26 The purpose of the 1944 Regulations , and by inference like legislation , was to protect employees against the consequences of doing things by reason of inadvertence or inattention which they would not normally do .
27 He must have had something on his mind and he did something he does not normally do . ’
28 One does not normally anticipate the presence of a burglar .
29 Mrs Sams ( 44 ) from Birmingham , said : ‘ I do not normally swear but he has driven me to it .
30 Certainly platelets do not normally adhere to arterial endothelium if it is not damaged but the explanation for this antithrombotic property of intact endothelium remains obscure .
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