Example sentences of "[not/n't] simply [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Your aim , though , is not simply to lose as much weight as you can in as short a time as possible .
2 But the belief that it was necessary not simply to lessen poverty but to improve the moral standards of labourers and also of capitalists remained central to the debate .
3 But to be Christian is not simply to preach Jesus ' message .
4 The doctrine of ultra vires was used not simply to control the scope of the power being exercised but also to control the way the power was used .
5 The importance of these examples is not simply to reinforce the general point that data materials , whatever else they may consist in , have to be " read " through , in terms of , a theoretical framework to exist as data , but that the theoretical significance of such materials can change .
6 Will he , as a matter of urgency , issue a directive or circular to all local authorities requiring them to appoint an officer as a matter of urgency and not simply to wait until the end of the inquiry before making such an appointment ?
7 From this grew the notion that the pope had the power not simply to explain and interpret the law , but to make it , whether by word of mouth in councils or by letter .
8 Pastiche is apt not simply to imitate but to imitate with exaggeration .
9 This is vital , for ultimately we want students to branch out on their own , to develop their own viewpoints , and not simply to imitate the views of the teacher bound to a particular research methodology or paradigm .
10 When , however , a statute provides that compliance with its provisions shall be enforceable by civil proceedings by the Crown for an injunction , and particularly if this is the only method of enforcement for which it provides , the Crown does owe a duty to the public at large to initiate proceedings to secure that the law is not flouted , and not simply to leave it to the chance that some relator may be willing to incur the expense and trouble of doing so .
11 Nizan chose not simply to suspend judgement , but to give public support to the Moscow version of events on the grounds that critical accounts of the Soviet state generally lacked both historical perspective and scientific rigour , and more importantly , that the defence of the Soviet Union in the torrid international political climate of the late 1930s was imperative .
12 Their task is not simply to carry out a paperwork exercise .
13 The point is not simply to abandon this type of teaching but to acknowledge and analyse its limitations in the light of a more complex understanding of the nature of racism and to develop forms of educational engagement more likely to open up racist subjectivities and common sense to alternative discourses .
14 This is not simply to say that emotions are expressed , but that emotions are reformed , cleansed , redirected and redeemed .
15 In a way this new fight against censorship is an opportunity not simply to defend and ensure intellectual freedom but to affirm that a profession does exist which essentially safeguards this freedom .
16 It is important to note that this is not simply to do with naturalistic notions of ‘ emotional maturity ’ .
17 This is not simply to force people into speaking blank verse , but to see how a person responds to the essential humanity of a character — for Shakespeare , of all the classical writers , is probably the most human , whose work is blessed with both grandeur and the common touch .
18 If this interpretation is correct , curriculum managers who wish to manage the curriculum in the sense of modifying it so that it is better adapted to the needs of real children and a real society , will be best advised not simply to resist and criticise , but rather to use the power that many people at all levels of the system actually have .
19 The purpose is not simply to replicate earlier experiments but to provide new evidence which will help to discriminate between alternative theories and provide insights about the ways in which our understanding of choice under uncertainty might be improved .
20 It should always be remembered that amplification is there to serve , not to dominate the congregation , and to enhance and not simply to magnify the artistry of musicians .
21 So the law is intended not simply to regulate conduct in an imperfect world , but to show up our imperfections and so lead us to Christ .
22 Pynchon , however , incorporates within his narrative Manichaean stories in which good opposes evil — the Fu Manchu tales become important in Gravity 's Rainbow — not simply to mock such narratives out of existence , but to show their inadequacy .
23 This is not simply to enable the vet to work in comfort , or even to reduce his rage when the first words are ‘ I will just go and try to get a rope on her ! ’
24 The exclusion of wills and conveyancing originated in a recommendation of the Legal Aid Scrutiny that public money should be directed towards the enforcement or defence of rights and not simply to enable clients to arrange their own affairs .
25 Such understanding is necessary , not simply to assess realistically what can and can not be expected of such informal care , but also to develop the formal sector of care in a way which takes account of the prevailing norms of a given area .
26 We reject the compulsory route that is favoured by the Labour party , which will never understand that the way forward is to motivate and to encourage and to give people the incentives that they need to make the most of the opportunities that are available to them , not simply to rely on the dead hand of compulsion .
27 The duty is not simply to take reasonable care to refrain from the act or neglect , but to take reasonable care not to injure such a person by the act or neglect .
28 This is seen as crucial in attracting people away from the current crop of cramped top-of-the-range coupes — essential if the car is not simply to draw existing Bentley customers from the Turbo R.
29 Again , the quality was strikingly poor , provoking the syndicat 's action , not simply to combat unfair trading , but to defend the image of Champagne .
30 The point of [ 14b ] was not simply to provide a paraphrase : it is in no sense a literal representation ( interpretation ) of the utterance in [ 14a ] .
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