Example sentences of "[not/n't] usually [be] " in BNC.

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1 Joins on silver or gold objects made with silver and gold solders can not usually be distinguished by radiography because they are approximately the same density as the metals they join , although they can sometimes be identified by colour difference or porosity when seen at high magnification .
2 These are practical limits on the beneficiary 's powers , for , although it will not usually be difficult to determine whether a real price was paid , it will regularly be very hard for a beneficiary to show that a buyer did know of the existence of a trust ; and unless this can be shown , no action lies .
3 Human relationships can not usually be kept within neat bounds by both partners , but tend to spill over in deep emotions of pain and anger .
4 A minor fraction of phosphatidylserine may be present at the outer surface of platelets , but this can not usually be detected .
5 Dismissal can not usually be justified merely because the employee 's private life is scandalous or involves immoral conduct , and this has been reconfirmed by a recent Higher Labour Court decision ( LAG Hamm , 17 Sa 1326/89 ) .
6 An O licence can not usually be transferred to another person , but in the event of the death , incapacity , bankruptcy or liquidation of the holder of a licence , a special procedure may be followed .
7 Those who have accepted ideas about their worthlessness , their impotence or their badness will not usually be able to help themselves unless and until they are able to modify their self-image .
8 If a thief signs John Smith on the back , and pays it into his own or someone else 's account , you will not usually be liable .
9 for example a survey of hospital staff would not usually be carried out by selecting names at random from the total staff list , it might concentrate on doctors , nurses or cleaners only , or might sample medical , paramedical , administrative and support staff in proportions of their total numbers depending on the purpose of the survey .
10 Once you have committed yourself to a policy , you will not usually be able to move your money without considerable financial penalty .
11 Indeed , if the actions are not deemed to be free and rational ( in the sense that the offenders are capable of understanding their nature , moral meaning and consequences ) then they will not usually be defined as crimes in legal terms .
12 Corticosteroids would not usually be prescribed for people with Aids , since their immune response is already suppressed , but recent reports suggest they can reduce the inflammatory process associated with PCP .
13 Because of other demands on his time , the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis .
14 His facts ( although not always his glosses ) can not usually be faulted , and he was ideally placed to give the definitive account of events after Edward 's death .
15 Managers will not usually be specialists in accounting or finance , for instance , but will more likely be generalists who can rotate between positions ( Kagono et al. , 1985 ) .
16 Thus , if — as an outside observer — you listen to ‘ core ’ vernacular Belfast speech , it will actually sound all much the same to you : you will not easily observe without systematic analysis many of the differences that exist and you will not usually be able to tell how far these co-vary with social factors , such as age , sex and area .
17 The final point which needs to be made about ethnicity is that as a speaker variable it can not usually be isolated from social class .
18 As , however , the air , even in deserts , is never completely dry , the effects of temperature changes can not usually be isolated from chemical effects .
19 His facts ( although not always his glosses ) can not usually be faulted , and he was ideally placed to give the definitive account of events after Edward 's death .
20 Since much of the work at Key Stage 1 will centre on quite recent times , such artefacts will not usually be rare or valuable or difficult or expensive to obtain .
21 Government bonds will not usually be issued at par ; each £100 nominal value of stock will usually be sold for less than £100 .
22 In the absence of adverse circumstances , however , it seems that most short-term parent-child separations will not usually be associated with any psychiatric risk .
23 Where it is only specific individual assets of a business that are transferred , a prohibition on competition on the vendor will not usually be required to protect the purchaser and is likely to infringe Article 85(1) .
24 Payments made ex gratia or as compensation for loss of office by the vendor of the business will not usually be deductible by the vendor because they are made in connection with the discontinuance of the trade and not for the purpose of enabling the company to carry on its trade .
25 This will not usually be a concern where a newly formed company acquires Target containing capital losses , as on a buy-out .
26 There are always accusations of piracy and copy-catting , though they ca n't usually be substantiated .
27 Other books have been championed for years by obsessed option-owners , like Saul Zaentz 's doomed production of Peter Matthiesen 's At Play In The Fields Of The Lord , and Cronenberg 's Naked Lunch , the latter understanding that cult novels ca n't usually be filmed at all .
28 As a lawyer , he had learnt that the safest course was inactivity ; if you do n't do things , you ca n't usually be blamed for them .
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