Example sentences of "[not/n't] so far " in BNC.

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1 Eros is , after all , not so far from Agape in the pantheon of the heart .
2 I wonder if you are using ( in lectures ) a statement I remember you making in talk , but not so far as I can recall , in print .
3 SOME time ago , but not so far back that it can be dismissed as incidental , a belligerent centre-half , who needed very little encouragement in such nefarious matters , was instructed to discover how fast the visiting centre-forward could limp .
4 Whether or not we accept Eliot 's note that the title of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ draws on both Kipling 's ‘ The Broken Men ’ and Morris 's ‘ The Hollow Land ’ , there is little doubt that this ‘ valley of dying stars ’ is not so far from the landscapes of Victorian romanticism .
5 And , given the rather jaundiced view that civil servants had by then formed of the movie business , it is not surprising that they preferred to commend Rank for observing ‘ the normal standards of commercial efficiency and honesty , which have not so far been conspicuous within the film industry ’ than listen to the arguments presented by Palache that budget control on Rank 's film productions was inadequate .
6 Certainly their substance should be accessible to anyone not so far gone in the contemplation of astrology — a science , so it is widely held , on the cogent grounds that its practitioners use computers — homeopathy , aromatherapy , or telekinesis as to be beyond the reach of reason .
7 The allegations of corruption , too , have not so far touched the other three services , which have kept quietly clear of the row between the army and the government .
8 Though they have not so far emulated the economic success of other Asians , they share many of their qualities .
9 It was of course simple mischance that this rat-tat should happen , even though the kiosk is not so far as I know a particularly busy one .
10 Doses and lengths of exposure time were high but ‘ not so far from the levels to which some people are exposed , particularly in the workplace ’ .
11 Disorder in the Chamber or the galleries — or even the blazoning of slogans — has not so far created the problems that some had feared .
12 The terms ‘ postmodern ’ , ‘ postmodernism ’ and their affiliates have not so far been accepted in Italy , except , for the most part , vaguely , in reports from overseas .
13 SAVE was now the owner of a building we had not so far gained access to .
14 If the land is not so far ‘ registered ’ ( you solicitor will tell you ) then the Abstract of Title and Deeds will suffice .
15 it has not so far provided any really noticeable challenge to the Secretary of State 's views .
16 The UNESCO Report could be a first step towards this but it needs international organizations like UNESCO and IFLA to take the action they have not so far done .
17 But to be fair to Green it was from his burning wish for people to admire the scenery , not from a desire to spoil it , that he made these suggestions , which certainly are not so far fetched in the 20th century as they must have been then .
18 In due course , when all available information on the releases of polonium-210 and other nuclides not so far incorporated in the analysis has been assimilated , the board will publish a revised assessment of the radiological implications of environmental releases from the Windscale fire .
19 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
20 The dates are significant , for they show that the spirit which ruled in the Italian city republics had noisy echoes in Germany and France — all over northern Europe indeed ; and that Italy and the northern communes were not so far apart as the northern monarchs and many modern historians have wished them to be .
21 He made her a bow , lighter and smaller than his , until she could shoot with it almost as well as Allen himself , though not so far because the light bow would n't carry .
22 Not so far as I know . ’
23 The British public had not so far been inclined to take the latest invasion threat very seriously and its chief effect had been to encourage feminism .
24 The King was already there , with half the court and the Mamelukes ; and a tent , shivering in the wind , had been set up but was not so far in use .
25 Not so far as I know .
26 The Northern Ireland Act 1982 provides for the existing Assembly ( which lacks both legislative and executive powers ) to make proposals for the transfers to the Assembly of legislative and executive powers but such proposals must be such as to be ‘ likely to command widespread acceptance throughout the community ’ and although attempts are currently under way to evolve such proposals , they have not so far met with success .
27 But it 's strange to think that the day 's not so far away when players like Robert Cray , Bonnie Raitt and Jimmie Vaughan , for so long representatives of the new American blues generation , will themselves be looked on as the elders of the blues .
28 Though not so far repeated by other workers elsewhere , this French work would seem to demonstrate test-tube ( in vitro ) effects of homoeopathic potencies , albeit low ones , in a wide variety of laboratory situations .
29 In fact , the electoral effects of scare-stories about immigration and asylum may be one of the so-far unrecognised aspects of the campaign , partly because such stories have not so far featured prominently among the factors of mass-media coverage to which the Labour Party has attributed its own defeat .
30 However , this relationship has not so far been sufficiently investigated to ensure that a given design will be stable in fast forward flight .
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