Example sentences of "[not/n't] [been] found " in BNC.

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1 David Smith , seven , from Woolacombe , Devon , who was swept into the sea in Devon on Tuesday , has not been found .
2 Appointment of new staff is not generally advertised , as this has not been found to bring the desired type of candidate forward .
3 On appealing to yet another committee , the 14 cases on which he had not been found guilty were resurrected and his dismissal confirmed .
4 The old simplicity of purpose and quiet efficiency continues as always , without any notice of the passing centuries ; it has not been found necessary to install the telephone .
5 Despite intense poetical activity by both men , money to finance Pantisocracy had simply not been found , and almost Southey 's first words on discovering Coleridge were to announce that he had abandoned immediate hopes of emigration in favour of a new scheme for setting up a trial community on a farm in Wales .
6 Submarine fans have not been found in the Plattendolomit but by analogy with the Z2 Carbonate , it is possible that these may be found in areas where the Z3 Carbonate reaches exceptional thickness .
7 Since 1947 breeding has been proved at a total of 22 sites , and some other sites have probably not been found ; not every site is used , or at least recorded , each year .
8 But even though the air sinuses may be almost full of these worms , and they may also be present in the cavity of the middle ear , they have not been found in the inner ear .
9 In an era in which prevailing political opinion has opposed increases in legislation , most of the other areas have not been found appropriate for legislative action .
10 The killers have not been found .
11 The Court took the view that because unfair prejudice had not been found , it would be inappropriate to make an order for the company 's winding up .
12 The Court of Session agreed on the issue of unfair prejudice but did not accept that , because unfair prejudice had not been found , it would be inappropriate to make an order for the winding up of the company .
13 ‘ He went along to help his friend , the ringleader , who has not been found .
14 It is only employed for the word tokens from the input text which have not been found in the lexicon .
15 Doctors are working hard , but so far a cure for HIV and AIDS has not been found .
16 After all , in 1,189 densely-printed pages , space has not been found for a single illustration .
17 The Everqueen was dead , and the bodies of their children had not been found .
18 A sequence signature unique to the Y-located genes has not been found , but critical amino acids within the human DNA-binding motif , identified by their association with XY female sex reversal , are invariant throughout all known mammalian Y-borne SRY genes ( Fig. 3 ) .
19 The other commonly assessed abilities have not been found to relate to managerial performance .
20 Occasionally , the researcher may show that the common-sense theory of the manager has no empirical evidence to support it ; for example , the distance between a person 's eyes has not been found to correlate with criminality .
21 Dozens of paintings that should have gone to the estate were sold by Baghoomian soon after Basquiat 's death , however , and they have not been found .
22 The typology of the glass urns , which have not been found in this region before , places them shortly before 79AD , the year of the eruption of Vesuvius which destroyed Pompeii .
23 Patients who should be considered for adjunctive corticosteroid treatment are those with moderate to severe PCP — the benefit has not been found in those with milder forms .
24 The limits of critical periods have not been found to be as immutable as was formerly thought , for by manipulating the animals ' experience they can be extended considerably .
25 So far , the ability to detect electricity has not been found in any other mammal .
26 He had not been found .
27 In contrast with what has been reported for cervical cancer patients , the lifetime number of sexual partners has not been found of significant , independent importance in the few case-control studies of anal cancer published so far .
28 It has not been found how far it penetrates and strange folklore has grown up around it , Here is an exciting expedition for somebody and one wonders what would be revealed by an examination of midden waste .
29 1–4 Malcolm MacKinnon , an old man , was lost in a storm between Bridgend and Mulindry where he lived and a week later had not been found .
30 15–4 The body of Malcolm MacKinnon was found near Schouler on Daill farm and it was remarkable that it had not been found sooner as it was lying in the vicinity of a well from which water was being drawn daily .
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