Example sentences of "['s] response to " in BNC.

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1 In particular in recent years , the Government 's response to large numbers of people fleeing from state oppression is to impose visas on nationals of that country .
2 Description is a heading which includes both a description of the work itself and of the critic 's response to it .
3 The Audit Commission 's response to Government proposals for the council tax focuses mainly on administrative implications .
4 Age Concern 's response to Sir Roy Griffiths ' review of community care emphasised the importance of community health services in care and rehabilitation of elderly people at home .
5 Another characteristic of importance to the choreographer is the nature of a dancer 's response to music .
6 His two profoundly moving ballets , Gloria and Requiem , the one a poem for lost youth and hope through the onset of war and the other a song of mourning and praise for a departed friend , stand and fall by theaudience 's response to their message and not to the pre-eminence of a star .
7 The EIG was at the centre of CAMRA 's response to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
8 Mr Golyadkin 's response to the elopement letter was a two-in-one attempt to assume a chivalric role and reach a lovers ' destination .
9 Her assumptions are broadly Crocean ; value appeared in the individual 's response to the particular work , but should not be erected into hierarchies , and the reader should cultivate ‘ the receptiveness and disinterestedness which are the conditions of aesthetic experience . ’
10 Ours currently extol the virtues of Britain 's response to the French Revolution ( £5 ) , remind us of our traditional relationship with Russia ( £10 ) , the danger implicit in teenage romance ( £20 ) and the importance of our architectural heritage ( £50 ) .
11 Peking 's response to other calls for ‘ democracy ’ this summer raised enough doubts .
12 The fishermen 's response to the crisis will become clearer this week .
13 The embarrassing parallels between the party 's response to discontent in Peking and Lhasa also embrace rhetoric and ideology .
14 Mr Hurd 's response to the debate on law and order , always a difficult test for Conservative Home Secretaries , was markedly well received and ended to a standing ovation .
15 At this stage , the National for Scotland 's response to the CCS decision is unknown .
16 And it is now equally clear that Mrs Thatcher 's response to this ultimatum was similarly direct .
17 The Health Secretary had accepted recommendations addressed to his department , and had already introduced a review of the health service 's response to major incidents .
18 Today 's reactions to events in Hungary and the GDR , tomorrow 's response to Austria 's already-submitted application for EC membership or to Turkey 's determined membership claims , can all too easily foreclose long-term options .
19 For the Liberal Democrats , Lord Bonham Carter agreed that Britain 's response to events must not appear to threaten the security of the Soviet Union or attempt to dissolve the Warsaw Pact .
20 After outlining Washington 's response to the recent changes in Eastern Europe , the Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , made an unscheduled visit to East Germany where he held talks with the new Prime Minister , Mr Hans Modrow .
21 But while pleased , Mr Elton was scathing about Trade Secretary Nicholas Ridley 's response to the Ombudsman 's report to which the Government refused to accept responsibility for the affair .
22 It 's the body 's response to a threat .
23 Germany 's response to the Gulf war so far has been a week of hand-wringing and of big , mainly anti-American demonstrations .
24 Officials from the Department of Justice , charged with smoothing cultural relations , praise Aspen 's response to latino workers as exemplary .
25 Locke 's response to this , his labour theory of property , is famous .
26 One may suppose that such was the genesis of C.S. Lewis 's sad comment on his step-children 's response to the death of his wife :
27 A child 's response to death will vary not only in accordance with parental attitudes , but also in accordance with age .
28 More hopeful , in part , is God 's response to Moses .
29 Exodus 16 and Numbers 11 belong to two series of passages which are concerned with God 's response to complaints of the people during their years in the wilderness .
30 The Labour Party 's response to the Spanish Civil War was clearly more humanitarian than political .
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