Example sentences of "[am/are] already [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An outstanding American teacher of music speaks from her own experience of young children ( Upitis 1990 : 2 ) : " We have one strong factor in our favor in taking on the task of helping people become musicians , and that is , in some form all of us are already musicians . "
2 But only days after his statement , and on a regular basis ever since , the newspapers had been full of holiday bargains and talk of overcapacity in an industry in which profit margins are already wafer thin .
3 As he said , in some cases there are already agreements that compensation could be made under the investors compensation scheme .
4 There are already proposals er to widen sections of the M sixty two to four lanes .
5 There are already otters in the area .
6 There are already moves to save St Abbs school by petitioning the Scottish Secretary .
7 ‘ When we are already friends ? ’
8 Even without that decision , there are already signs that the new Berlin market will resemble London 's .
9 There are already signs of an upturn in housing repair and maintenance , and , to a lesser extent , in new building .
10 There are already signs ( I am actually writing this during the autumn of 1982 ) of a return to Community Arts .
11 In Europe there are already signs that more and more people are taking this matter seriously , hence the EC ban on hormones for growth promotion and the opposition to BST .
12 There are already signs of this process in the Japanese car industry .
13 And now , judging by Bill Clinton 's croak as he addressed supporters yesterday , there are already signs that he is feeling the pace .
14 There are already signs that its great wealth and influence are beginning to regenerate the whole southern half of Africa , particularly the previously beleaguered states of Mozambique , Angola and Zambia .
15 There are already signs that the rights are to be so qualified as to become ineffective .
16 There are already signs that DVI is being seen as a delivery medium in itself rather than just a process .
17 There are already signs of mounting opposition to the deal from within the party-run establishment .
18 She surely knows that you are already Claudine 's lover .
19 There are already reports of planned revolts .
20 Geoffrey Hoskins are already reports of erm an enormous number of refugees trying to get out of parts of the er Soviet Union , in Poland I think in one area they 've closed the borders having let through twenty seven thousand refugees in one day , there are now huge tailbacks of traffic at the border post .
21 Another reason may be that some of the management team who are already shareholders in Target , or other vendor shareholders , will wish to exchange their Target shares for Newco shares without triggering a disposal for capital gains tax purposes ( see ss135 , 137 and 138 TCGA 1992 ) .
22 A management buy-out can in theory be effected by way of a de-merger , for example where the managers are already shareholders in the holding company of Target .
23 Whether they are already leaders or aspire to more senior positions or are any part of those steadily developing collegial teams which are necessary to manage the diversity of educational change , then breadth of knowledge , a political awareness of the wider field of debate , the capacity to stand back , criticize and to argue to an acceptable and workable end , all these are essential parts of the professional 's equipment .
24 Dogs who are already champions have to compete in the champions class .
25 But the double oxymoron in line 13 suggests that they are already foes , that the poem has either been written to try and restore a lost harmony , or to draw attention to the fact that it can not be restored .
26 The fact that the Keynesian consumption function is based on maximizing behaviour by households which are already quantity constrained in the labour market was splendidly demonstrated by Barro and Grossman ( 1976 ) ( yes , the same Barro ) .
27 But there are already languages , claimed to be of ‘ higher ’ levels than LISP , that must , in their turn , be translated into LISP before programs in them can run .
28 Whether these are already USL shareholders or newcomers is still unclear .
29 There are already loads more Fonts available with more becoming available every week .
30 The glam young directors who surfaced in the 1980s are already part of the scenery .
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