Example sentences of "[am/are] simply [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then you 're simply a brash and brassy singer — nothing else . ’
2 Friendly rivalry is encouraged between the 12 groups and the children learn chants such as ‘ we 're simply the best , better than all the rest ’ .
3 We 're simply the best says classy Collie
4 To some they 're simply an engaging fantasy , but for others they create a secret world that can last a lifetime .
5 Where a product is entirely integrated within the TNC or its captive suppliers ' networks , or where the intermediate components or materials used are of such a specialized nature that there are simply no available suppliers outside the existing TNC network , then backward linkages are literally forbidden by the logic of global production .
6 Perceptions are simply a vision of political realities .
7 They are simply a recording of a band 's live or alternative versions of their songs , which are used for one or two broadcasts .
8 But the twists and turns of Currie 's political career are simply a graphic illustration of the fact the SDLP can not be regarded as the Labour Party in Northern Ireland .
9 These emotions may disturb you for a little while , but they are simply a natural response to the trauma of death and they will usually pass with time .
10 The same could be said of most of these awards , which are simply a perk of the post , along with the £60,000 or £70,000 salary , retirement at sixty , and an index-linked pension thereafter .
11 These new ways of working are simply a consolidation of the established pattern among officers of personalizing their practice , that is , carefully matching their particular social work knowledge and skills to the unique needs of the individual offender ( Singer , 1989 ) .
12 Perhaps such invasions are simply a natural feature of reef development .
13 Therefore , I can no longer be allowed to escape criticism and analysis of my theistic views on the grounds that they are simply a matter of personal experience .
14 We are simply a collection of people who like the mix of sensible advice and effort , and can turn that into advertising . ’
15 Another hesitation arises in the minds of some ministers who are men of action and feel that data-gathering and detailed long-term planning are simply a cover-up for procrastination .
16 These items are simply a taste of the things to come in the following pages .
17 Interestingly , anti-racist proposals very often assume whites suffer from a cultural deficit , i.e. from racist attitudes which are simply a legacy from imperialism and colonialism ( Swann Report , 1985 ) ; an unfortunate ignorance which schools can remedy .
18 Eating habits are simply a matter of fashion and individual taste .
19 They are simply a tool to be used in the interests of greater efficiency .
20 It began with the statement : ‘ Perhaps the favourite accusation thrown at the National Front by its multi-racialist critics is that we are simply a bunch of bigots , that our stance on Race , the very heart and core of our political being , is no more than ignorant prejudice against Coloured people ’ ( Vanguard , April 1987 ) .
21 Since he looks through binoculars and a long-lens ( telescopic ) camera , these masks are simply a stylized binocular view and a round ( monocular ) shape .
22 It is interesting to speculate whether the boys ' attitudes are a result of their own experiences or are simply a reflection of the attitudes of the adults in their household .
23 Many of these actions are simply a way of getting attention .
24 If the answer is yes , public subsidies are simply a transfer payment to Airbus shareholders , for which there is no strong economic rationale .
25 They are simply a much more urgent requirement than in most other areas of application .
26 It remains possible , however , that these abnormalities are simply a consequence of small vessels becoming involved in the chronic inflammatory process .
27 Er conversions are simply a different factor they will have to take into account .
28 Realistically the scope for change in 1992 – 93 was low but it will be interesting to see whether the present flurries of consultation bear fruit in future or are simply a public relations exercise .
29 Sometimes experienced practitioners do not read the conditions sufficiently carefully , and assume that they are simply a standard pro forma .
30 Home and Away ( 12.32 million ) and Neighbours ( 13.69 million ) are simply a different culture but at least there 's plenty of sunshine .
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