Example sentences of "[adv prt] carbon [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The report , in the form of a white paper , breaks down carbon dioxide emissions into four sectors : industry , domestic use , transport and energy conversion and electric power transmission losses , giving a clear indication of where Japan 's carbon problems lie .
2 Other fires Gas or paraffin heaters should only ever be used in well ventilated rooms as they give off carbon monoxide .
3 This would reduce the ability of the living world to take up carbon dioxide .
4 Rain is naturally acid , with a pH of around 5.6 ; as it falls it picks up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere , which dissolves to form carbonic acid .
5 The more nitrogen they have available , the better marine plants will grow , and as they grow they take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere .
6 How will that be possible , given that Labour wishes to phase out nuclear , which could easily push up carbon dioxide emissions by at least 10 per cent .
7 You know and they soak up carbon dioxide so it 's good for the environment .
8 Aid for research into deforestation and forest replacement is promised and tree planting will be encouraged as an effective way of absorbing and locking up carbon dioxide .
9 Nitrate fertilisers may make grassland more efficient at soaking up carbon dioxide , helping to offset some of the risks of global warming , according to research by the Institute of Terrestial Ecology .
10 Boreal forests lock up carbon dioxide
11 In contrast to most plants , they breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide .
12 Buying out CFCs in the Third World is within the West 's means , but buying out carbon dioxide in China , India , Brazil and the lesser parts of the Third World is certain to prove beyond anyone 's means .
13 Plants consume carbon dioxide , releasing the oxygen that we other species require , completing in our turn the full circle by ‘ burning ’ carbon and breathing out carbon dioxide .
14 Breathing in too much air effectively pushes out carbon dioxide which normally forms a reservoir in the lungs .
15 She believes flowers breathe out carbon dioxide — well , they do — and they have to be put out at night .
16 Alan Townshend , professor of analytical chemistry at Hull , agrees that phasing out carbon tetrachloride is a minor worry .
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