Example sentences of "[adv prt] a deal " in BNC.

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1 They also inexplicably turned down a deal with another cable network that could have possibly provided live , or much closer to live , coverage .
2 By dithering over a deal ( for a matter of hours , says BZW ; five days , says County ) , BZW missed getting the cream of the ex-Drexel staff .
3 Ireland 's aircraft-leasing firm , GPA , pulled off a deal with GE Capital , the finance arm of America 's General Electric , that could save it from going bust .
4 More soon of this exciting saga , which is due to be turned into a TV epic or will be if we can fix up a deal with anyone .
5 Manager Mickey Duff has had talks with Coetzer 's management who are prepared to set up a deal .
6 I think I 've just sewn up a deal on a new account . ’
7 Others claim that I went to St Tropez on a tip-off , bumped into Angeli and only then struck up a deal for the Daily Mirror to have exclusive pictures .
8 So we have fixed up a deal for readers with chartered surveyors Angmering Gorse and Partners .
9 The mix of keening voices , dreamy storylines and unusual , far-off sounds brings to mind The Band when they were on a roll , and David Hidalgo in particular sounds like he 's done his best ever work — conjuring up old ghosts and loser friends and working up a deal of sadness and unique moods from familiar instruments .
10 Unix System Laboratories sewed up a deal last week with IBM to port Tuxedo to AIX on the ES/9000 mainframe , Blue 's $60,000 to $23m machine .
11 Auspex Systems Inc , the Santa Clara , California network server company that struck up a deal with IBM recently ( UX No 369 ) , is said to be looking to expand its operations internationally , before going public , possibly by the end of the year .
12 There are also rumours that DEC has struck up a deal with Auspex , although DEC UK would n't comment .
13 Ontario , Canada-based , ATI Technologies Inc has struck up a deal with Metro Link Inc to run ATI 's Ultra graphics accelerator board and Metro 's Metro-X X11.5 server together to give Intel Corp 80386 and 80486 systems X-Windows functionality .
14 Although unconfirmed at the time , rumours that DEC had struck up a deal with Auspex Systems Inc , the Santa Clara , California network server company that already counts IBM among its customers , have turned out to be correct ( UX No 384 ) .
15 Bonanza would n't have gone to all that trouble to set up a deal like you 're imagining . ’ ,
16 Charlie 's going out to check on the territory and strike up a deal .
17 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
18 Because we 've set up a deal with that school
19 He jetted out in his role as President of the Council of European Farm Ministers to join EC Agriculture Commission Ray MacSharry and US Agricultural Secretary Edward Madigan who were trying to button up a deal before the transition of the US Presidency .
20 Jaguar talks : Jaguar and General Motors were thrashing out a deal to protect the luxury car maker from rival US motor giant Ford .
21 Clark and Howey signed three-year contracts last month and Keegan said : ‘ We sat down with the two lads and their fathers and worked out a deal that was right for them .
22 Poles apart MANSELL and team boss Frank Williams failed to hammer out a deal
23 Now Eugenie 's apparent doubts about who her father is will fuel arguments over child custody as lawyers work out a deal for Fergie 's separation from Prince Andrew .
24 Peter Snyman at Random Century says that a third South African lawyer telephoned him offering the autobiography ( he also says that his company never signed a contract with Ayob , though they did try to work out a deal ) .
25 All the pain of Fulham leaving Only you can heal , If you can sit down with our Chairman And work out a deal ; Surely leasing or selling to Fulham would be very sound , Instead of being owners of a derelict ground .
26 ‘ We have n't worked out a deal yet , but I said I would drive the car this weekend and then we 'll talk about it again next week . ’
27 KUWAIT was in the thick of battle last night as leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal which would prevent prices collapsing when winter demand drops .
28 Under chapter 11 , two-thirds of creditors , of preference shareholders and of equity shareholders must separately back a deal before it can go ahead .
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