Example sentences of "[adv prt] the route " in BNC.

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1 No-one cared how long we had taken on the route .
2 who ignored him , and jotting down the route numbers .
3 She slowed and turned right crossing the Chemin de BelleFontaine and down the Route de la Capite , upwards off the main highway and into the Chemin Faguillon .
4 If you have already started down the route on your own and missed out some ( or all ) of the steps you will begin to realise what remedial action you need to take to put everything back on course .
5 On Europe , to put it beyond all doubt in this House , in the country , and on the continent , will my right hon. Friend reaffirm that it is the policy of Her Majesty 's Government that Britain shall not go down the route of a federal Europe and that it is for Britain to decide on the future of her own currency ?
6 I am happy to give my hon. Friend the assurance that we are not going down the route of a federal Europe .
7 And you just look down the route now and decide whether they 're achievable or realistic .
8 If you 're willing to go down the route to drag hunting I am willing to support any hunt that wants to go down that route and I am sure this authority would .
9 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
10 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
11 If I also say to him that the lesson we learn from the United States is not to go down the route that he and his party have signed up to in signing up to a socialist manifesto for the European elections .
12 these two are also hoping to come back with more money than they went … you see along the route they 're raising funds hopefully as much as ten thousand pounds for the haemophilia society …
13 Sir Derek Bailey , a Gloucestershire businessman , picked up the route and formed the company when the former operator , British United Airways , pulled out of Alderney , leaving the island without the vital air link which so affects the island 's economy .
14 Well , it was always worth looking at who put up the route up .
15 On the second sortie he made no mistakes and shot up the route like a man with a mission .
16 His brother Donald had already opened up the route to South Africa with his famous Castle Line and occasionally vessels were transferred to supplement the respective fleets .
17 This opens up the route for having a company a partner and allocating to the company partner such share of the profits as the partners think appropriate in each year .
18 A BRIDGE could open up the route to sales success in France for a new product marketed by the protective coatings division of Celomer .
19 Typically of experienced teachers recognising the potential weakness of the whole venture ( it will in fact only succeed if the pupils are determined to make it succeed — not something one can often rely on ! ) , precautions were adopted such as warning them beforehand to mark out the route they take , and ( the final card up teacher 's sleeve as pupils start to get killed all over the place ) to come in as narrator saying , ‘ Suddenly , for no apparent reason , the danger passed and the members returned to safety ’ !
20 Caddie Ian Wright landed his job with Seve Ballesteros mainly because the Spanish maestro had heard about Wright 's yardage books — at the time Wright was compiling a yardage book for almost every championship course in Europe — and his unerring accuracy and detail in planning out the route from tee to green .
21 My method was to look ahead as far as the eye could see , work out the route mentally , then , leaving the wheelbarrow , test the ground in small sections and mark the way with my feet .
22 In the latest example of this phenomenon , high on the massive granite sweep of South Ridge on Arran 's Cir Mhor , a pristine copy of Howett 's Constable compendium decided to play truant — and landed , incredibly , within a few feet of my rucksack below , leaving us to puzzle out the route unaided .
23 Despite various friends trying out the route and checking the text , the book is not up to date .
24 For flush wiring , mark out the route of the cable up or down the wall , and use a club hammer and brick bolster to cut it out to a depth of a bout 18mm ( ¾″ ) .
25 The principal vehicle for implementing change was the dissemination of the company plan mapping out the route to cost competitiveness through work reorganization .
26 He did this quite openly , because if anybody asked where he was going , he would say he was finding out the route to the Fire Court for Floy and Snodgrass 's journey .
27 1 Work out the route that you must follow to find the Minotaur .
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