Example sentences of "[adv prt] [art] attack " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It happened in the gym of this club right in the middle of my training , ’ he recalled , ‘ but it was not the training that brought on the attack although I had probably overdone things .
2 Go on the attack with the Defender
3 Shoulder to shoulder with the bankers of the City of London , Snowden fought off the attack on economic internationalism , while , with the Cabinet refusing to follow through the full deflationary logic of the Treasury approach to the slump , Britain drifted into financial crisis .
4 ‘ She was gripping the knife to ward off the attack . ’
5 As though he had lashed out with both fists to keep off an attack .
6 For children who are too young to learn a relaxation technique , a reassuring presence and a warm drink can often stave off an attack .
7 The Highlanders surrounded Ruthven , offering Molloy and his dozen men the choice of moving out unharmed or being overrun and hanged , but he refused , and beat off an attack by 150 Highlanders .
8 Sometimes I could stave off an attack by taking two every four hours .
9 At the time when the Hundred Years war broke out , a defender had a more than even chance of beating off an attack .
10 A similar issue arose in the present case D had undoubtedly used considerable violence against the victim , his girlfriend , but was it ( as she said ) an unprovoked and drunken attack with a stick or ( as he contended ) an attempt to fend off an attack by the woman who was armed with a carving knife ?
11 The Babylonian Jews were loyal to the Seleucids ; 8,000 of them fought off an attack of marauding Ga ] atians , according to the Second Book of Maccabees ( 8.20 ) .
12 He was told this had been to drive off an attack by the dog pack .
13 Oldham took up the attack again and Barlow , who had a fine match at left-back , totally containing Rocastle , floated in a deep cross beyond Winterburn .
14 Spry takes up the attack .
15 However frustrating , Labour leaders must keep up the attack to put Britain back to work .
16 County rang the changes desperately , sending on Slawson for Lund in an attempt to pep up an attack in which Farina , the striker on loan from Bari , made a rather featureless full debut .
17 In an effort to pep up an attack , Wilkinson took off Rod Wallace in favour of youngster Noel Whelan .
18 Sometimes it is possible to decide what particular activities bring on an attack of giddiness .
19 Her mother feared the trauma of being snatched from her could bring on an attack , and ran around frantically trying to find both the inhaler and the child 's tablets .
20 At a time of stress they were his comfort , and any warning light , even the ‘ No Smoking ’ sign , brought on an attack of stress .
21 [ Her anger brings on an attack which in turn brings on the birth pangs .
22 At their trial , the judge is believed to have added 25 per cent to each sentence specifically because the police had carried out the attack while operating in their official capacity .
23 You 'll soon get the hang of it — once you 've been caught a few times you 'll suss out the attack patterns — but until you do , frustration is high .
24 Work out the attack as normal .
25 Years later , when they told this story , those who had conceived the plan insisted that they would have carried out the attack in their own names , as rebels , and not under the Shah 's authority .
26 The Islamic Jihad Movement — Bayt al-Maqdis ( Jerusalem ) claimed on Feb. 5 that a unit from its Katibat Ushshaq al-Shahadah ( Martyrdom Lovers ' Battalion ) had carried out the attack .
27 According to press reports the guerrillas claimed to have carried out the attack in support of a state-wide bandh ( political strike ) backing the implementation of the Mandal Commission report .
28 Four people sustained minor injuries and the van burst into flames ; the two people believed to have carried out the attack , however , escaped on a motorbike .
29 Defence Minister Moshe Arens accused the Fatah affiliated Black Panther group of carrying out the attack .
30 Police were reported on Nov. 13 to have arrested 270 people , including one of four gunmen alleged to have carried out the attack .
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