Example sentences of "[adv prt] [art] car " in BNC.

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1 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
2 While waiting for her passengers as they inspected isolated gun-sites on windswept clifftops and rocky promontories , Liza was urged by her passengers to switch on the car engine to keep herself warm , however much she knew this procedure to be frowned upon by her direct superiors at Command Headquarters .
3 She switched on the car radio and hummed to the beat of the pop music .
4 Maxim switched on the car lights .
5 As soon as she drew up to the roundabout at the top of Woodstock Road , she found herself in traffic which stretched as far as the eye could see , and when she switched on the car radio , she discovered that the only sound it would make was an assortment of squeaks and crackles .
6 Because I enjoy bathing , washing up and hosing down the car , the concept appealed to me .
7 Someone down the car said it was a disgrace and the school holidays were too long and someone else said , pity the poor teachers .
8 They leapt down the car wrecks and legged it across the ground towards the girl .
9 In Benton v. Campbell , Parker Co. ( 1925 K.B. ) the auctioneer knocked down the car to the highest bidder .
10 Pumfrey let down the car window .
11 Outside , the tropical summer air was still warm , and they each wound down the car window beside them as soon as they were seated in Tom 's low vehicle .
12 It wo n't obstruct no light though because I told you the sun is more er , without the back it joins down the car
13 So it 's an impact outside of just closing down the car factory , and on the question of the effects on the community .
14 Grégoire 's ability to take a clock to pieces and put it together again , to strip down a car engine , to harness a horse and ride it well , to know and to cherish the names and characteristics of plants and of animals — all these abilities meant nothing to Hugo at all .
15 Then Vernage noticed Sergeant King staggering down the road in a desperate bid to flag down a car .
16 By the time the network was completed in the mid-1960s , it resembled a vast plumbing system with 18 huge pumps , each one big enough to suck in a car , driving 1 billion gallons of water through it each day .
17 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
18 Michele lifted out Luce 's bag , passed her the crutch , and , having handed over the car keys , led her through the crush of people and vehicles to the steps that ran down to the Grand Canal .
19 Out in the car park , Lucy handed over the car keys to Virginia and wedged herself into the passenger-seat , glancing rather apprehensively at Virginia as they accelerated slightly too fast out of the car park .
20 No , I think he he says taking over the car lease .
21 The sceptics at GM reckoned it could never work — the motor would overheat and no battery could store enough energy to turn over a car 's engine .
22 If you work for a company which insists that you drive a particular brand of car , resign , first writing off the car in an accident in which two teenage hookers and a hallucinating macaw reach a rather untimely end .
23 Little bits fall off the car , some trifling part has been improperly milled , a mechanic makes a mistake .
24 He gave an order to the driver , who switched off the car motor .
25 Although it works off a car 's own battery , all Nightsticks also incorporate an internal power supply to foil thieves who go for the wiring first .
26 I take up a rifle and being that I am a crack shot , I win something to hang on a car mirror .
27 She opened the heavy oak doors and the dogs swept past her bounding across the drive to their master who was opening up the car boot to remove his luggage .
28 Ludens will bring Marcus here , he should show up any moment , I hope he has n't messed up the car ! ’
29 We have a 24-hour claims helpline ; breakdown assistance — if you have an accident , a tow-truck to come and pick up the car ; and much better documentation . ’
30 A series of mechanical difficulties in setting up the car caused further problems and on Friday he had constant braking problems ; an experiment on Saturday did little to change matters for the better — Emerson finished practice in sixth place .
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