Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pers pn] feel " in BNC.

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1 Their praises and flattery gives you new heart and helps you feel top of the world on Sunday .
2 Helps you feel better .
3 Sleepily goes into spiel about what kind of care would she like , has she chosen a hospital yet , how does she feel generally , this is her first , is n't it , a lot of nonsense talked nowadays about active births and so on , what people fail to realize is that birth is potentially highly dangerous for the mother and the child and that with a bit of foresight and the right equipment it 's possible to etc. , etc. , etc .
4 Does she feel the same way as you ? ’
5 Does she feel then that lesbian and gay films should simply continue to be included in the main programme ?
6 What does she feel about the media mayhem that whirled round her for months last year ?
7 As for Maureen , how does she feel about being a surrogate Mum to a Penguin ?
8 A further area of insight suggested ( ibid. ) is to recognise and respect the ideal or inner age of the person ; how old does he/she feel inside today ?
9 How does he feel about the Swedish Lapps ?
10 Does he feel guilty ?
11 Nor does he feel the stockmarket has fully discounted a recession .
12 The person with a healthy Inner Face is the one who is most able to form good relationships with others ; he does not feel that he has to put on an act to impress yet neither does he feel superior to those with whom he comes in contact .
13 McGegan is not afraid of Handel : nor does he feel that the composer 's awesome genius need be treated with kid gloves .
14 Then , ‘ How does he feel , do you think ?
15 With a bunch of others voices inside him clamouring to be heard ( Dieter — the clipped-toned Kraftwerkian presenter of German youth show , Sprockets ; the maniacal owner of the Scottish gift shop , All Things Scottish — motto , ‘ If it 's not Scottish , it 's crap ! ! ! ’ ) , does he feel , the inevitable film sequel notwithstanding , that Wayne 's just about past his sell-by date ?
16 Does he feel gratified , or like a grand-daddy ?
17 Er many of us remember Gordon in the sixties working with a small group to get this place built thirty years on does he feel the playhouse is doing what he then hoped for and if not what are the things that have changed it ?
18 Does he feel the same ? "
19 An how does he feel ? ,
20 How does he feel ?
21 How does he feel about his father ? ’
22 Does he feel like offering a similar apology ?
23 Does he feel that he might try to persuade Mr. Collins at their next meeting to devote a little more time to the containment of that particular problem rather than wasting it on demands that a policeman accompany every Army patrol in Northern Ireland , presumably to ensure that the Special Air Services remember to say ’ please ’ and ’ thank you ’ to any civilian they may encounter ?
24 Does he feel that that is a proper approach of socialism to outstanding debt ?
25 How does he feel then ?
26 So how does he feel about Nick ?
27 Nor does he feel compelled to decide later cases " by analogy " to earlier ones , at least when there is room for disagreement about whether a later case is really like or unlike them .
28 Does he feel the same ? ’
29 Does he feel a failure ?
30 He has long been involved in teaching but how does he feel about music education in schools today ?
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