Example sentences of "[vb mod] perhaps be " in BNC.

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1 Klima may perhaps be a common name in Czechoslovakia , and Kundera has become a common name in the conversation of Western readers , who are drawn to these reciprocal concerns of his .
2 It is a paradox upon which a Tory may perhaps be permitted one parting reflexion .
3 In his final chapter , he notes that the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce identified what he feels ‘ may perhaps be the most important influence of all in driving up the divorce rate , namely the idealization of the individual pursuit of self-gratification and personal pleasure at the expense of a sense of reciprocal obligations and duties towards helpless dependents , such as children , and , our society as a whole ’ ( pp 403–4 ) .
4 In the Lewis Papers , Warren remarked , ‘ With his passing we lose him who may perhaps be described as the hero of our saga …
5 Armed with this perspective , library staff may perhaps be more likely to respond to the specious logic of their political masters , eager to turn an honest penny as long as it will cause controversy and save money from the Westminster rate-cappers .
6 The following study of Owen may perhaps be regarded as only a partial success .
7 The apparently extreme view expressed by Masterman ( 1987 ) may perhaps be the public perception of local-authority services as a whole , but equally many people working in schools would also subscribe to this view when discussing the local education authority 's administration of the education service .
8 The members of the college should … be increased by ballot … and it may perhaps be advisable , to divide the members into three different classes , perpetual governors … annual governors … members …
9 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
10 It may perhaps be true that 79 per cent of trees cut down are cleared by people needing to plant food or gather fuel , and that , if there were fewer people , there would be less need .
11 What the Middle English poet has to say , in essence , is that in the war between God and Satan for men 's souls , there may perhaps be neutrals .
12 In the light of these remarks , the following very tentative conclusions may perhaps be advanced .
13 On the other hand , Colonel Haldane did not succeed in winning the vote of the burgh of Inverkeithing itself , a failure which may perhaps be linked to the lasting hostility of the burgesses occasioned by his own quick temper two years earlier , for in 1752 he had given Provost John Cunningham a black eye when he had encountered the chief magistrate on the steps of the tolbooth , an error of judgement which served to undo much of the Haldane party 's work in that town , and indeed ran the colonel some risk of being mobbed .
14 As I have already indicated , I am not sure whether there may perhaps be some mockery of the over-solicitousness of the Poet 's desire for this marriage and the begetting of a ( boy- ) child , as indeed of the appeal to the egoist 's desire to perpetuate himself .
15 Oakeshott suggests that the state ‘ may perhaps be understood as an unresolved tension between the two irreconcilable dispositions represented by the words societas and universitas ’ .
16 To count such comments as these as indicative of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with housework may perhaps be criticized on the grounds that what these women are talking about is not the housework situation , but marriage .
17 As evidence for the empirical attitude of British Socialism as exemplified in the Labour Party , it may perhaps be allowed to stand .
18 Critics of the power exercised by parties may perhaps be reminded that they are at liberty to join the party , of their choice , to be active in it and to use there such influence as they can acquire .
19 Finally , and more generally , it may perhaps be worthwhile to spell out the ways in which production may not match up to ideals under either regulation or unfettered market operation .
20 The sensitivity of employment law issues may perhaps be gauged by the frequency with which employment cases go to the Court of Appeal and House of Lords , though this may also have something to do with the looseness of the statutory language used in the legislation .
21 There may perhaps be properties which are evidence-transcendent , by which we mean that it is always possible that they be absent even though we have the best possible evidence of their presence .
22 But now that the human misery of the transition is over and forgotten , and now that we see modern Peterborough , we may perhaps be grateful to the Cecils for the feudal obstinacy which kept their town from growing , and preserved it for our pleasure today .
23 It may perhaps be premature to jettison continuous wind interactions completely .
24 I use the word ‘ true ’ to express the notion that consent , or refusal of consent , may be inoperative in law for one of three reasons ; there may perhaps be others , but only these three are relevant to the present case .
25 He has nothing left but the limited interest granted to him by what may perhaps be described as the indulgence of the court under section 5(2) of the Act of 1920 .
26 Things may perhaps be different in the next century .
27 The more lurid and alarmist versions may perhaps be discounted , but they have fed the popular distrust of the use of artificial chemicals in agriculture and this , however much farmers may deplore the fact , has become an important factor in the politics of environmentalism .
28 Or counsel may suggest , again with the very greatest respect , that a certain decision may perhaps be reconsidered if the point arises again before a court having power to overrule it ; meanwhile , it can be distinguished on the facts before the present court .
29 Far more pupils are taken on than can hope to succeed in practice , and if you have not been able to impress any barrister sufficiently with your qualities to be taken on , it may perhaps be for the best that you are forced to look to a different career at this juncture .
30 This of confining you thus may perhaps be one of the worst .
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