Example sentences of "[vb mod] throw at " in BNC.

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1 Our combined age is 151 so we think we can cope with any problems life may throw at us ! ’ he jokes .
2 ‘ If I 'm to talk to Evelyn Lennox , ’ he said calmly , ‘ I need to brief myself in advance with anything she might throw at me . ’
3 She had planned on being ultra-cool , whatever provocation he might throw at her , and yet at the first word here she was letting him get to her all over again !
4 It leaves no fortune with regard to what the department of the environment might throw at us next year unless they completely lose their marbles , which after all is always possible .
5 Despite much rebuilding and the need for dogged perseverance by Holroyd Smith and his supporters , his conduit line although equipped with primitive electrical apparatus , handled everything Blackpool 's crowds and the sea could throw at it until 1899 , when it was converted to the cheaper overhead line method now used .
6 I was confident of their work and confident of my own ability to cope with anything that this little aircraft could throw at me .
7 I tried the clean channel ( channel 1 ) first and found that , good as its word , it remained clean , surviving all I could throw at it .
8 The outer stood up to everything I could throw at it until a wicked Gogarth chimney thrutch resulted in a nicked sleeve , while the fleece has resisted all but a hot cylinder from the Snowdon Railway !
9 But the comrades were prepared for everything the class enemy could throw at them .
10 The odds are on Sylvester Stallone as ‘ HAUGHEY : Survival Of The Fittest 111 ’ : He took everything they could throw at him … now he 's really mad !
11 He tried to bolster his courage by reciting the reasons for what he was doing : go per cent of them boiled down to a pressing need for money , so pressing that the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage ; the other lo per cent was divided between the desire to do Lorton a good turn and the feeling that the Newleys deserved whatever fate could throw at them .
12 Gould rose to the occasion and , driven by the feverish excitement of a treasure-seeker , surmounted every obstacle Tasmania 's chequered geography could throw at him .
13 Actually , I could throw at the moment but I could n't afford the shoulder seizing up the next day and suddenly finding I 'm out for three months .
14 Chairman Sir Denys Henderson attempted to laugh off the company 's poor performance by cracking jokes with the audience , which consisted of the best that world journalism could throw at him .
15 Paintwork supplied by International for all ten yachts survived the voyage in remarkably good condition , standing up to everything the oceans could throw at it .
16 His briefer letters to Harry Hooton — avoiding those ‘ terrible letters I used to throw at you last term as it might be from the fruitless monotony of this place ’ — now explain his reading .
17 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
18 Now he 's in the limelight and we 'll have everything he can throw at us — hardly a recipe fro the group 's long standing .
19 Quality is the most important factor since your brickwork will be exposed to everything the elements can throw at it .
20 If you have brought up a family , and survived , then you are more than capable for anything nursing can throw at you .
21 Derek Hallworth , industrial organiser for the north is pictured aboard one of the touring drays , ready for the worst the seaside weather can throw at him .
22 everything the elements can throw at them .
23 I am ready and willing to take anything football can throw at me .
24 The international gateway to the skies has two runways — 2,777 and 1,951 metres long — and is equipped 24 hours a day to cope with the worst the elements can throw at it .
25 Boxing clever : Chris Eubank ( left ) copes with all that challenger , Lindell Holmes , can throw at him during a successful WBO title defence at Olympia
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