Example sentences of "[subord] in practice " in BNC.

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1 The British liked to think their system was different from the others , but it is not easy , in examining the literature , to discover exactly where in practice the difference lay .
2 They pay under contract $5 million indexed , so it is around $6 million now in practice , and that goes to the trust .
3 7.2.1 At present , general practitioners are free to refer to the hospital and consultant of their choice , although in practice this freedom has been restricted in recent years , partly because of health authorities ' reluctance to accept cross-boundary patients .
4 The view of senior management is that policemen need to combine the qualities of compassion and toughness and know when each is appropri — ate ( FN 11/11/87 , pp. 7–8 ) , although in practice it is difficult to strike this fine balance .
5 Others were treated as aliens , although in practice it was easier for CUKCs to emigrate to Britain than other foreigners for purposes of family reunion .
6 This authority is normally the sovereign body in the state , such as a king or popular assembly , although in practice this authority might be delegated to or assumed by another body or individual .
7 Also , under current regulations 75% was the minimum grant to Responsible Bodies ; although in practice the Ministry had treated this as the standard proportion , not to be exceeded , it was worrying that the Ashby Report gave 75% as the maximum .
8 Although in practice the program staff do not strictly adhere to ‘ job demarcation , ’ on paper at least it can be further broken down into , Director ; 3 Cultural Program staff , 1 Research Program , 1 Research/Library , 1 Workshop Co-Ordinator/Economic Education program , 2 Economic Education staff , 1 Environmental Health/Toxic Waste program , and 1 on the Cultural program staff with especial responsibility for youth work .
9 Statistics ( Table I ) indicate that one in ten of the people of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland works in agriculture , although in practice the presence of small scale and often part-time farming means that probably one in five receive part of their income from agricultural activities .
10 Each sect accused the other of wishing to observe the prescribed religious festivals at the wrong times , although in practice they had to keep to the same dates .
11 Their tasks can be divided for descriptive purposes into practical and psychological support , although in practice most were a combination of the two .
12 This was ostensibly to hide ‘ trade secrets ’ , although in practice there was little new development taking place .
13 This is not like a planning appeal because only those who are invited can actually participate , although in practice anyone with anything substantial to say , for or against any aspect of the plan , is likely to be invited .
14 Theoretically , her biological clock is ticking away , although in practice , there is still enough time for us to split up , find new partners , get to know them and start a family .
15 Economic theory tells us that there are three types of merger , although in practice it is sometimes hard to categorize a merger as a particular type .
16 Tebbit clarified the position and laid down guidelines that the effect on competition should be the only criterion for deciding whether to block a proposed merger , although in practice this guideline was not always fully adhered to .
17 This contributed to a formal union neutrality and ‘ depoliticisation ’ , although in practice there are strong links with the Social Democrats ( Günter and Leminsky , 1978 ) .
18 The £75,000 ceiling on earnings applies to all age groups , although in practice , since it is only relevant to high earners , it is more likely to affect senior people .
19 The well-known American research by Hill ( 1970 ) has demonstrated the interlocking nature of support structures across the three generations , and has shown that grandchildren do feel responsibility to give assistance to their grandparents in this context , although in practice they actually do less than the intervening generation .
20 It would also explain why the Attorney-General , as representative of both government and people , always has standing to protect public rights ( although in practice the Attorney never does sue where the respondent is a department of central government ) .
21 This enables easier adjustment to take place , although in practice the balance of payments has at times continued to pose problems for the UK economy .
22 In theory , this still allows one to postulate a completely " neutral " style , although in practice this postulate is difficult to sustain .
23 The desirability of and necessity for continuing education throughout the lifespan is now widely accepted in principle , although in practice there still exist many barriers , not least of cost , which limit adult participation in education and training .
24 This is not to say that the sciences are ‘ objective ’ or even that all scientists suppose them to be so , nor that they do not sometimes have an active or applied emphasis , or that they are not sometimes reflexive and even philosophical , although in practice the ‘ philosophy of science ’ seems to be marginal to the mainstream of scientific activity .
25 It is essential , in carrying out the test , to use sentential frames which ideally do not share any elements ( although in practice it is usually sufficient if the immediate pre- and post-environments of the substituted items are distinct ) .
26 In these areas development is not normally permitted and will be approved only if there are exceptional circumstances , although in practice these guidelines are not always adhered to ( Davidson and Wibberley 1977 ) .
27 It is perfectly possible to imagine that memories are coded for negatively , by reducing the level of some substance or process , although in practice nearly all research seems to be devoted to trying to identify increases .
28 The proportion of women in higher education has risen sharply in recent decades — one of the most visible gains in the egalitarian struggle — although in practice young female school-leavers are still less qualified than their male counterparts ( and this signifies , in this country , a truly parlous state of readiness for adult occupations ) ; while in the teaching profession itself , women have yet to achieve anything like parity at the higher levels , as college heads , directors of departments and university professors .
29 Many more women sought separations after the passing of the 1886 Act , which allowed them to do so on grounds of the husband 's unwillingness or inability to maintain , although in practice the legislation provided them with little material assistance .
30 Her condemnation of the home and family as the source of women 's subjection and inferiority , and her assertion that ‘ any woman who is really a rebel longs to destroy the conventions which bind her in the home as much as those which bind her in the state ’ , has a modern ring , although in practice her solution , like that of Florence Nightingale , amounted to a complete rejection of family life rather than a demand for its restructuring .
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